Professor Bill Whiten

Established in 2021 in memory of Professor Bill Whiten and maintained by the income of a perpetual endowment fund supported by Mrs Agnes Whiten AM. The purpose of the prize is to encourage meritorious PhD students engaging in process control and model development at The University of Queensland to complete their thesis or participate in a local or international conference. 

The prize will be presented at the SMI Memorial Awards Day on 17 November  2023, and the winning entrant will be invited to deliver a presentation on their research.

Recommending authority
Director, Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre.

The prize is open to Higher Degree by Research candidates studying process control and/or model development at The University of Queensland.

Selection Committee
Selection of a prize recipient will be made each year on the recommendation of a selection committtee comprised of:

  • The Director of the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC) or delegate
  • The Postgraduate Coordinator or delegate within JKMRC;
  • A JKMRC Alumnus; and
  • A member of Professor Bill Whiten Family or representative.

Selection Process
Applicants will be ranked on the basis of the following criteria:

  • academic achievement, with an emphasis on successful development or application of new mathematical or modelling principles; and
  • the degree to which the student has provided mentorship to others and successfully transferred this knowledge to the academic and industrial community;
  • and other matters the selection committee sees fit to the applicant’s future development.

Nature of prize
The value of the prize is up to $4,500 for one year. More than one prize may be available depending on the disbursements available from the fund.

Entry requirements
Students should be nominated for the award by their advisors or other academics
Entries should be no more than two (A4) pages and should include:
  • A short background of the student and the student’s current research topic
  • The student’s academic achievement, with an emphasis on successful development or application of new mathematical or modelling principles;
  •  Evidence for the mentorship activities the student has provided mentorship to others and successfully transferred this knowledge to the academic and industrial community (Workshops, Publications, Assistance and technical support to other projects, etc.)
  • Justification on how the fund will assist students to further develop in this area

Special Conditions
The student on receiving the award to attend a conference or complete their thesis, should acknowledge receipt of the award in their conference presentation and/or paper and/or in their thesis acknowledgments.

Nomination form

About Professor William 'Bill' Whiten

Professor Whiten, had a long career with UQ. He was a mathematician by training and began his career as a programmer in the University's Computer Centre.

In 1966 he joined what is now the Julius Krittschnitt Mineral Research Centre as research assistant and completed a PhD on Simulation and Model Building for Mineral Processing in 1972.

Professor Whiten held many roles in the JKMRC throughout his career – he was acting director between 1973-74, Professorial Research Fellow, JKMRC Chief Scientist, and an active member of UQ’s academic board.

Professor Whiten passed away in September 2020.

Apply for the award

Bill Whiten application details for 2023:

Applications open 01 August 2023
Applications closed 06 October 2023

Complete the nomination form and

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