Over 110 registered to attend the SMI Alumni and Community Event on Thursday 12 July 2018.
Charlie Sartain, SMI Advisory Board Chair, welcomed guests in particular those involved in the Australia Awards Africa Short Course in Local Economic and Social Development in Extractives and the Newcrest Social Performance Leadership Program being run at SMI this week.
Professor Anna Littleboy, Leader of SMI’s newest cross-cutting program Mine Lifecycles provided an introduction to the program followed by Professor Rick Valenta, Director of SMI-BRC and Leader of the Complex Orebodies Program who provided a succinct presentation outlining the aims and current progress and projects coming out of the new Complex Orebodies cross-cutting program.
View presentation on SMI’s newest cross-cutting programs
Professor Alice Clark gave a short overview of the Dee Bradshaw Travel Scholarship, the launch of EnvironMENTORS program and a new book Extracting Innovations Mining, Energy, and Technological Change in the Digital Age edited by Martin J. Clifford, Robert K. Perrons, Saleem H. Ali, Tim A. Grice.