3. Session 1: Characterisation, Classification and Prediction

The Characterisation, Classification and Prediction session was spsonsored by BHP.

Chair: Russell Staines


  • 0:00 - Introduction
  • 03:12 - Annah Moyo, University of Tasmania - 'Environmental and geochemical characterisation of llegacy mine wastes from Tasmania, Australia'
  • 22:22 - Paul Brown and Murray Rayner, Rio Tinto - 'Assessment of Drainage Quality from the Waste Rock Dumps at the Argyle Diamond Mine, Western Australia'
  • 45:10 - Jeff Taylor, Earths Systems - 'Using Hyperspectral Scan & QXRD Mineralogy for AMD Hazard Assessments at BHP Iron Ore Operations'
  • 1:06:31 - Zhengdong Han, The University of Queensland's Sustainable Minerals Institute - 'Acid mine drainage processes, wolframite stability and chemical forms of tungsten in W-MO tailings: a case study from Queensland'
  • 1:25:11 - Andrew Barnes, Geochemic Ltd- 'Application of the Warburg Constant Volume Respirometer method For Determination Of Oxygen Consumption Rates Of Mining Waste
  • 1:45:43 - Q&A and discussion