After an exciting first campaign in the Northern Territory in September, the Sustainable Minerals Institute’s Mine Waste Transformation through Characterisation group returned to the Pine Creek region to tackle two more sites: Mt Todd and Brocks Creek.
The Sustainable Minerals Institute’s Mine Waste Transformation through Characterisation (MIWATCH) group partner with the Queensland Department of Resources and the Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) in a research project focusing on cobalt recovery in Queensland's North-West region.
MIWATCH are pleased to welcome Annah Moyo to the team as a Research Officer. Annah will be working on projects focused on geochemical characterisation and metal recovery from mine wastes, with a particular focus on our research in Queensland.
It’s official, ground has been broken in the Northern Territory, Australia. September has been a big month for the MIWATCH group here at the Sustainable Minerals Institute.
Eight finalists representing The University of Queensland's Faculties and Institutes participated in the UQ 3MT Finals at the iconic Customs House in Brisbane on 14 September 2022.
Together with Professor Gordon Southam (SEES, UQ), MWATCH's Thomas Jones is utilising the X-ray Fluorescence Mapping beamline to track metal mobility in tailings material from different sites across Tasmania and Queensland.