Collaborative Consortium for Coarse Particle Processing Research

As the demand for copper and other base metal production continues to increase, so too does the pressure on mining operations to become more water and energy efficient.

The Collaborative Consortium for Coarse Particle Processing Research (CPR) was initiated by the Sustainable Minerals Institute’s Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC) to tackle the multidisciplinary aspects of coarse particle processing such as flotation, comminution, classification, and equipment design and process chemistry. 

The processing of coarse particles is considered one of the key research areas for developing improved energy efficiency of mineral processing operations.


The Consortium aims to develop improved energy efficiency for mineral processing operations. It will run initially for 5 years and tackle multidisciplinary aspects of coarse particle processing such as flotation, comminution, classification, and equipment design and process chemistry.

We also aim to contribute towards global challenges such as the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation of human-made climate change.


Our aim is to develop practical and applied solutions for achieving the following objectives:

  • Maximise recovery of coarse particles
  • Predict the recovery of coarse particles, including coarse particle flotation ore characterisation
  • Optimise circuit configuration
  • Evaluate the technical and economic advantages of the HydroFloat® technology
  • Scale-Up the HydroFloat® technology 

Program Chair

Professor Rick Valenta
View Rick Valenta's research profile

Technical Directors

Associate Professor Kym Runge
View Kym Runge's research profile

Associate Professor Liza Forbes
View Liza Forbes' research profile

Administration team

Andrea Gray
View Andrea Gray's profile

Sherrie Palmer
View Sherrie Palmer's profile

Tash Winters
View Tash Winters' profile


Professor Mohsen Yahyaei
View Mohsen Yahyaei's research profile

Lizette Verster
View Lizette Verster's research profile

Dr Bellson Awatey
View Bellson Awatey's research profile

Dr Unzile Yenial Arslan
View Unzile Yenial Arslan's research profile

Dr Farhana Diba
View Farhana Diba's research profile

HDR Students

Hayla Miceli
Hayla Miceli's profile

Anna Skliar
Anna Skliar's profile

German Lastra Yanez
German Lastra Yanez's profile

Committee members

Eric Bain Wasmund, Vice President
Global Flotation Business – Eriez Flotation Division

Jaisen Kohmuench, Vice President International

Ronel Kappes, Director Processing
Newmont Goldcorp Corporation

John Cole, Process Manager
Newmont Mining Corporation

Virginia Lawson – General Manager – Metallurgical Processing – Copper Assets
Glencore Copper

Development of a semi-empirical model of the HydroFloat® cell

Project Leader: Associate Professor Kym Runge

Teeter bed flotation waste rejection circuit options

Project Leader: Professor Mohsen Yahyaei

An experimental study of the hydrodynamics of the HydroFloat® cell

Project Leader: Dr Angus Morrison

Refinement of a semi-empirical model of the HydroFloat® cell

Project leader: Associate Professor Kym Runge

Small scale test development

Project leader: Lizette Verster

Improving coarse particle recovery in conventional cells

Project leader: Associate Professor Kym Runge

Full scale testing of froth mesh

Project leader: Dr Angus Morrison

Key chemistry drivers for HydroFloat® flotation performance

Project leader: Associate Professor Liza Forbes

An assessment of the unse of the Loesche Vertical Roller Mill for HydroFloat® feed preparation

Project leader: Dr Vladimir Jokovic

Contact us

Get in touch to learn more about the CPR Consortium.

Technical Directors

Associate Professor Kym Runge

Principal Research Fellow,
Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre

+61 7 3365 5867

Associate Professor Liza Forbes

Principal Research Fellow,
Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre

JKMRC homepage