For recent publications by MISHC researchers, please visit the UQ Researcher website
Cliff David, Harris, Jill, Bofinger, Carmel and Lynas, Danielle (2017). Managing occupational health in the mining industry. In: Naj Aziz and Bob Kininmonth, Proceedings of the 17th Coal Operators' Conference. Coal Operators' Conference, Wollongong, Australia, (296-305). 8 to 10 February 2017.
Harris, J., Everingham, J., Barclay, M. A., Kirsch, P. and Cliff, D. (2017). The application of bow-tie analysis to the well-being of fly-in, fly-out mining, oil and gas workers. In: AusIMM Minesafe International 2017 Conference. Minesafe International Conference, Perth, WA, Australia, (139-151). 1-2 May 2017.
Cliff, D., Bofinger, C., Lynas, D. and Harris, J. (2017). The application of risk management methods to the control of respirable dust in underground mines. In: AusIMM Minesafe International 2017 Conference. Minesafe International Conference, Perth, WA, Australia, (10-19). 1-2 May 2017.
Cliff, D. (2017). The monitoring of underground coal mine environments – the need for fibre optic based systems. In: 2nd International Conference on Fibre-Optic and Photonic Sensors for Industrial and Safety Applications. 2nd International Conference on Fibre-Optic and Photonic Sensors for Industrial and Safety Applications, Brisbane, (). 8-10 January 2017.
Cliff, D. (2017). Managing Occupational Health in the Mining Industry. In: Creating Value in a cyclic environment 2017 SME Annual Conference. 2017 SME Annual Conference, Denver Colorado USA, (23-23). February 19-22 2017.
Smith, Nicole M., Ali, Saleem, Bofinger, Carmel and Collins, Nina (2016) Human health and safety in artisanal and small-scale mining: an integrated approach to risk mitigation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 129 129: 43-52. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.04.124
Cliff, David, Harris, Jill and Bofinger, Carmel (2016) Ensuring health and safety through the entire mining cycle: Improvements in technology and reductions in fatality rates demonstrate great progress in the minerals sector, but a continued focus on health and safety will help prevent complacency. AusIMM Bulletin, 3: 68-71.
Horberry, Tim, Burgess-Limerick, Robin, Cooke, Tristan and Steiner, Lisa (2016) Improving mining equipment safety through human-centered design. Ergonomics in Design: The Quarterly of Human Factors Applications, 24 3: 29-34. doi:10.1177/1064804616636299
Liu, Quanlong, Meng, Xianfei, Hassall, Maureen and Li, Xinchun (2016) Accident-causing mechanism in coal mines based on hazards and polarised management. Safety Science, 85276-281. doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2016.01.012
Burgess-Limerick, Robin (2016) Measuring and managing workplace whole-body vibration exposures. Acoustics Australia, 44 1: 129-135. doi:10.1007/s40857-015-0032-5
Burgess-Limerick, Robin and Lynas, Daniellie (2016) Long duration measurements of whole-body vibration exposures associated with surface coal mining equipment compared to previous short-duration measurements. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 13 5: 1-18. doi:10.1080/15459624.2015.1125486
Mendham, Frank, Cliff, David and Horberry, Tim (2016). Field testing and reliability assessment of video based fire detection in coal mining and coal handling environments. In: Naj Aziz , Bob Kininmonth, Jan Nemcik, Ali Mirza, Ismet Canbulat and John Hoelle, Proceedings of The 2016 Coal Operators' Conference. COAL 2016, Coal Operators Conference, Wollongong, Australia, (443-450). 10-12 February 2016.
Cliff, D. (2016). How Australia reduced its accident/incident rate in Mining. In: II Encuentro Nacional de Socorredores Mineros. II Encuentro Nacional de Socorredores Mineros, Colombia, (). 6-7 October 2016.
Cliff, David (2016). OHS in the Mining Industry in the 21st Century. In: Naj Aziz , Bob Kininmonth, Jan Nemcik, Ali Mirza, Ismet Canbulat and John Hoelle, Proceedings of the 2016 Coal Operators' Conference. COAL 2016, Coal Operators Conference, Wollongong, (418-424). 10-12 February 2016.
Cliff, D. (2016). Pike River Gas Analysis Implications. In: The Future for Mining in a Data-Driven World . The Future for Mining in a Data-Driven World , 2016 SME Annual Conference & Expo , Phoenix Arizona, (). 21-24 February 2016.
Harris, Jill (2016). The management of risk factors associated with FIFO workers’ mental ill-health. In: Queensland Mining Industry Health and Safety Conference 2016, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, (). 14-16 August 2016.
Horberry, Tim, Young, Kristie and Burgess-Limerick, Robin (2016). Proximity warning system interfaces for mining vehicles: can the minerals industry learn from the automotive domain?. In: P. Waterson, R. Sims and E. M. Hubbard, Ergonomics and Human Factors 2016. International Conference on Ergonomics and Human Factors, Daventry, United Kingdom, (221-227). 19-21 April 2016.
Logrosa, G., Hassall, M. E., Cliff, D. and Bofinger, C. (2016). Identifying risks that matter: a case study on introducing technology into Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM). In: Risk and Resilience Mining Solutions 2016. Risk and Resilience Mining Solutions, Vancouver, Canada, (). 14-16 November 2016.
Harris, Jill, Bofinger, Carmel and Cliff, David Community Health and Safety Handbook: Leading Practice Sustainable Development Program for the Mining Industry. Canberra, ACT, Australia: Commonwealth of Australia, 2016.
Cliff, D., Henderson, P., Morris, M. and Johnson, W. (2016). Investigation of the Potential Lightning Impacts on Underground Coal Mines. In: The Future for Mining in a Data-Driven World. The Future for Mining in a Data-Driven World; 2016 SME Annual Conference & Expo, Phoenix Arizona, (87-90). 21-24 February 2016.
Lynas, Danellie and Burgess-Limerick, Robin (2016). Whole-body vibration exposures at underground coal mining operations. In: Health, Safe and Productive by Design. Proceedings of the 51st Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia. Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia, Gold Coast, Australia, (1-17). 6-9 November 2016.
Burgess-Limerick, Robin (2016). Workplace vibration effects on health and productivity. In Alan Hedge (Ed.), Ergonomic workplace design for health, wellness, and productivity (pp. 103-114) Boca Raton, FL, United States: CRC Press. doi:10.1201/9781315374000-6
Zupanc, Christine M., Burgess-Limerick, R, Hill, Andrew, Riek, Stephan, Wallis, Guy M., Plooy, Annaliese M., Horswill, Mark S., Watson, Marcus O. and Hewett, David G. (2015) A competency framework for colonoscopy training derived from cognitive task analysis techniques and expert review. BMC Medical Education, 15 216: . doi:10.1186/s12909-015-0494-z
Liu, Quanlong, Li, Xinchun and Hassall, Maureen (2015) Evolutionary game analysis and stability control scenarios of coal mine safety inspection system in China based on system dynamics. Safety Science, 80 13-22. doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2015.07.005
Kirsch, Philipp, Hine, Amelia and Maybury, Terry (2015) A model for the implementation of industry-wide knowledge sharing to improve risk management practice. Safety Science, 8066-76. doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2015.07.009
Brady, D., Smith, R., Cliff, D., Tonnegato, S., Mason, P. and Devlin, S. (2015) Emergency Response: Mine Entry Data Management Extension :
Bond, Carol J. and Kirsch, Philipp (2015) Vulnerable populations affected by mining: predicting and preventing outbreaks of physical violence. Extractive Industries and Society, 23: 552-561. doi:10.1016/j.exis.2015.06.008
Wester, J. and Burgess-Limerick, R. (2015) Using a task-based risk assessment process (EDEEP) to improve equipment design safety: a case study of an exploration drill rig. Mining Technology - Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy: Section A, 124 2: 69-72. doi:10.1179/1743286315Y.0000000003
Queensland Resources Council (2015). Submission to the Queensland Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry into fly-in, fly-out and other long distance commuting work practices in regional Queensland.. , .
Queensland Resources Council (2015). Submission to the Queensland Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry into fly-in, fly-out and other long distance commuting work practices in regional Queensland.. Queensland Resources Council.
Horberry, Tim and Burgess-Limerick, Robin (2015) Applying a human-centred process to re-design equipment and work environments. Safety, 1 1: 7-15. doi:10.3390/safety1010007
Burgess-Limerick, Robin and Dennis, Gary (2015) Safety by design: participative ergonomics for manual tasks risk management. Australasian Mine Safety Journal, 24 48-53.
Burgess-Limerick, R and Lynas, D. (2015) An iOS application for evaluating whole-body vibration within a workplace risk management process. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 12 7: D137-D142. doi:10.1080/15459624.2015.1009986
Cliff, D., Morris, M., Johnson, W., Wilton, D. and D'Alessandro, F. (2015) Lightning in Australian Underground Coal Mines: Phase One :
Dodshon, Philippa and Burgess-Limerick, Robin (2015). Application of the Bow Tie Analysis technique to enhancing the identification of risk controls during accident investigation activities. In: Gitte Lindgaard and Dave Moore, Proceedings 19th Triennial Congress of the IEA. 19th Triennial Congress of the IEA, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, (352.1-352.8). 9-14 August 2015.
Legge. J., Burgess-Limerick, R. and Peeters, G. (2015). Job-specific pre-employment functional capacity assessments predict musculoskeletal injury risk and ‘window for opportunity’ in healthy male coal mine workers. In: Gitte Lindgaard and Dave Moore, Proceedings of the 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association. The 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Melbourne, Australia, (). 9-14 August 2015.
Narimoto, Lidiane Regina and Burgess-Limerick, Robin (2015). Sugar-cane harvesting machine design 'in the field'. In: Gitte Lindgaard and Dave Moore, Proceedings of the 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association. 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, (371.1-371.8). 9-14 August 2015.
Burgess-Limerick, Robin and Lynas, Danellie (2015). Whole-body vibration associated with surface coal mining equipment. In: Gitte Lindgaard and Dave Moore, Proceedings of the 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association. The 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Melbourne, Australia, (368.1-368.6). 9-14 August 2015.
Restrepo, J., Luxbacher, K., Kirsch, P., Hebblewhite, B., Mitra, R., Shi, S., Ripepi, N. and Schafrik, S. (2015). Barriers and Incentives: The Application of Comprehensive Risk Management in the US Underground Coal Mining. In: 2015 SME Annual Conference and Expo and CMA 117th National Western Mining Conference: Mining: Navigating the Global Waters. SME Annual Meeting, Society of Mining Metallurgy and Exploration, Denver, CO, United States, (285-290). 15-18 February 2015.
Jong, E. C., Luxbacher, K. D., Kirsch, P. A., Mitra, R., Hebblewhite, B. K., Schafrik, S. J. and Conley, B. N. (2015). Risk management: Adapting RISKGATE for underground coal mines in the United States. In: 2015 SME Annual Conference & Expo and CMA 117th National Western Mining Conference Mining: Navigating the Global Waters. 2015 SME Annual Meeting, Society of Mining Metallurgy and Exploration USA, Denver, CO, United States, (274-280). 15-18 February 2015.
Horberry, Tim, Burgess-Limerick, Robin and Steiner, Lisa (2015). Human-centred design for mining equipment and new technology. In: Gitte Lindgaard and Dave Moore, Proceedings of the 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association. The 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Melbourme, Australia, (174.1-174.6). 9-14 August 2015.
Steiner, Lisa and Burgess-Limerick, Robin (2015). The use of simulation for the human-centred design of underground coal mine bolting machines. In: Gitte Lindgaard and Dave Moore, Proceedings 19th Triennial Congress of the IEA. 19th Triennial Congress of the IEA, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, (2000.1-2000.7). 9-14 August 2015.
Pazell, Sara, Burgess-Limerick, Robin, Horberry, Tim and Davidson, Paul (2015). User-centred design for civil construction: optimising productivity by reducing safety and health risks associated with the operation and maintenance of on-road vehicles and mobile plant.. In: Gitte Lindgaard and Dave Moore, The Proceedings of the 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association. 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association., Melbourne, VIC, Australia, (1-7). 9-14 August 2015.
Cliff, D. (2015). OHS in the minerals industry in the 21st Century. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mining, Safety and Environment Protection. International Conference on Mining, Safety and Environment Protection, Xian, Peoples Republic of China, (). 7-9 November 2015.
Fuller, R., Cliff, D. and Burgess-Limerick, R. (2015). The non-technical aspects of incident management decision-making. In: Proceedings of the 36th International Conference of Safety in Mines Research Institutes. International Conference of Safety in Mines Research Institutes, Sudbury, ON, Canada, (). 24-27 October 2015.
Cliff, D., Morris, M., Johnson, W., Wilton, D., D'Alessandro, F. and Henderson, P. (2015). Assessing the potential risks associated with ligtning in underground coal mines. In: Proceedings of the 36th International Conference of Safety in Mines Research Institutes. International Conference of Safety in Mines Research Institutes, Sudbury, ON, Canada, (). 24-27 October 2015.
Belle, B. and Cliff, D. (2015). Improved trigger action response plan development based upon mine-specific data. In: Proceedings The Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2015. Australian Mine Ventilation Conference, Sydney, Australia, (73-78). 31 August - 3 September 2015.
Rifkin, Will and Hine, Amelia (2015). The case for student-generated digital media assignments in science courses. In Garry Hoban, Wendy Nielsen and Alyce Shepherd (Ed.), Student-Generated Digital Media in Science Education: Learning, Explaining and Communicating Content (pp. 13-24) Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Calderon, Angela, Harris, Jill D. and Kirsch, Philipp A. (2015) Health interventions used by major resource companies operating in Colombia. Resources Policy, 47 187-197. doi:10.1016/j.resourpol.2015.02.003
Zupanc, Christine M., Burgess-Limerick, Robin and Wallis, Guy (2015) Strategy influences directional control–response compatibility: evidence from an underground coal mine shuttle car simulation. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 16 1: 1-19. doi:10.1080/1463922X.2013.857738
Hassall, Maureen E. and Sanderson, Penelope M. (2014) Can the decision ladder framework help inform industry risk assessment processes?. Ergonomics Australia, 10 3: .
Hine, Amelia, Kirsch, Philipp and Amizlev, Iris (2014) Red mud: Art and the post-mining landscape.. Artlink, 34 4: 35-39.
Towers, John, Burgess-Limerick, Robin and Riek, Stephan (2014) Concurrent 3-D sonifications enable the head-up monitoring of two interrelated aircraft navigation instruments. Human Factors, 56 8: 1414-1427. doi:10.1177/0018720814536443
Wolfgang, Rebecca and Burgess-Limerick, Robin (2014) Whole-body vibration exposure of haul truck drivers at a surface coal mine. Applied Ergonomics, 45 6: 1700-1704. doi:10.1016/j.apergo.2014.05.020
Burgess-Limerick, Robin, Horberry, Tim and Steiner, Lisa (2014) Bow-tie analysis of a fatal underground coal mine collision. Ergonomics Australia, 10 2: .
Burgess-Limerick, Robin (2014) Slip into something less comfortable. Australasian Mine Safety Journal, 22 75-77.
Labouchardiere, R. A., Goater, S. and Beeton, R. J. S. (2014) Integrating stakeholder perceptions of environmental risk into conventional management frameworks: Coal seam gas development in Queensland. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 21 4: 359-377. doi:10.1080/14486563.2014.954012
McCabe, Kathryn Louise, Atkinson, Rebbekah Josephine, Cooper, Gavin, Melville, Jessica Lauren, Harris, Jill, Schall, Ulrich, Loughland, Carmel Maree, Thienel, Renate and Campbell, Linda Elisabet (2014) Pre-pulse inhibition and antisaccade performance indicate impaired attention modulation of cognitive inhibition in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11DS). Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 6 1: 38.1-38.16. doi:10.1186/1866-1955-6-38
Kirsch, Philipp, Harris, Jill, Shi, Meng and Cliff, David (2014) Reflections on mining and mortality.. Australian Resources and Investment, 8 3: 64-68.
Cloete, Steven, Zupanc, Christine, Burgess-Limerick, Robin and Wallis, Guy (2014) Control order and visuomotor strategy development for joystick-steered underground shuttle cars. Human Factors, 56 6: 1177-1188. doi:10.1177/0018720814522295
Harris, Jill and Kamke, Marc (2014) Electrophysiological evidence for altered visual, but not auditory, selective attention in adolescent cochlear implant users. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 78 11: 1908-1916. doi:10.1016/j.ijporl.2014.08.023
Kirsch, Philipp (2014) RISKGATE, una herramienta diseñada para la minería de carbón en la mejora de la seguridad, eficiencia y a nivel operacional.. Medicina y Seguridad del Trabajo, 60 235: 286-289.
Cliff, David (2014) Provision of expert advice relating to Hazelwood Coal Mine Fire February and March 2014 Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry
Wasserberg, G., Kirsch, P. and Rowton, E. D. (2014) Orientation of colonized sand flies Phlebotomus papatasi, P. duboscqi, and Lutzomyia longipalpis (Diptera: Psychodidae) to diverse honeys using a 3-chamber in-line olfactometer. Journal of Vector Ecology, 39 1: 94-102. doi:10.1111/j.1948-7134.2014.12075.x
Wolfgang, Rebecca and Burgess-Limerick, Robin (2014) Using consumer electronic devices to estimate whole-body vibration exposure. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 11 6: D77-D81. doi:10.1080/15459624.2014.888073
Horberry, Tim, Teng, Yi-Chun, Ward, James, Patil, Vishal and Clarkson, P. John (2014) Guidewire retention following central venous catheterisation: a human factors and safe design investigation. International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine, 26 1: 23-37. doi:10.3233/JRS-140610
Kirsch, P., Labouchardiere, R., Shi, M., Moore, A. and Harris, J. (2014) Mining+Health for Development. Action Research Project Report for the International Mining for Development Centre (IM4DC). , Minerals Industry Safety and Health Centre, The Sustainable Minerals Institute..
Kirsch, Philipp, Sprott, Darren, Harris, Jill and Ribeiro-Duthie, Ana Cristina (2014) RISKGATE: a new software for the mining industry risk management. Revista da Escola de Minas, 67 2: 229-231. doi:10.1590/S0370-44672014000200016
Kirsch, Philipp, Harris, Jill, Sprott, Darren and Calderón, Ángela (2014) RISKGATE y operaciones en minas de carbón en Australia. Medicina y Seguridad del Trabajo, 60 235: 290-303. doi:10.4321/S0465-546X2014000200002
Kirsch, P. A., Harris, J., Sprott, D. and Cliff, D. (2014) Industry-scale knowledge management: RISKGATE and Australian coal operations. CIM Journal, 5 2: 79-86.
Lynas, Danellie, Burgess-Limerick, Robin and Kirsch, Philipp (2014) RISKGATE analysis of slips, trips and falls at NSW surface and underground coal mines. Journal of Safety and Health Research and Practice, 6 1: 2-7.
Steiner, Lisa, Burgess-Limerick, Robin and Porter, William (2014) Directional control-response compatibility relationships assessed by physical simulation of an underground bolting machine. Human Factors, 56 2: 384-391. doi:10.1177/0018720813490953
Lau, Colleen, Weinstein, Philip and Slaney, David (2014) The importance of surveillance for informing pretravel medical advice: imported malaria in New Zealand 1997–2009. Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 14 2: 134-140. doi:10.1089/vbz.2012.1261
Horberry, Tim, Teng, Yi-Chun, Ward, James and Clarkson, P. John (2014) Employing usability heuristics to examine the issue of guidewire retention after surgery. Ergonomics Australia, 11: 1-5.
Bond, Carol J. (2014) Positive peace and sustainability in the mining context: beyond the triple bottom line. Journal of Cleaner Production, 84 1: 164-173. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.01.033
Burgess-Limerick, Robin and Westerfield, M. (2014) Whole body vibration. Buffalo, NY, USA, Byte Works.
Kirsch, Philipp and Worden, Sandy (2014) Managing risks in the Australian coal industry.. Australian Resources and Investment, 8 2: 68-70.
Horberry, Tim, García-Fernández, Pedro, Ventsislavova-Petrova, Petya and Castro, Candida (2014) Psychological road audits: background, development and intitial findings. Ergonomics Australia, .
Cloete, Steven and Horberry, Tim (2014) Collision avoidance and semi-automation in electric rope shovel operation. Ergonomics Australia, 4 2: .
Horberry, Tim, Burgess-Limerick, Robin, Storey, Neil, Thomas, Matthew, Ruschena, Leo, Cook, Margaret and Pettitt, Chad (2014). A user-centred safe design approach to control. InThe core body of knowledge for generalist OHS professionals (pp. 1-25) Tullamarine: Victoria: Safety Institute of Australia.
Kirsch, P., Hebblewhite, B., Sprott, D., Harris, J., Li, J., Shi, M., Whittaker, B., Galvin, J. M., Bergin, P., Mitra, R. and Williams, D. (2014). RISKGATE – Shared Coal Mining Knowledge for Managing Risks across Ground Management. In: AusRock 2014 : third Australasian Ground Control in Mining Conference. 3rd Australian Ground Control Mining Conference, Sydney, NSW Australia, (247-254). 5 - 6 November 2014.
Harris, J., Turner, J. and Kirsch, P. (2014). Case Study – Application of RISKGATE to Managing Strata Failure in an Australian Coalmine. In: AusRock 2014 : third Australasian Ground Control in Mining Conference. 3rd Australian Ground Control Mining Conference, Sydney, NSW Australia, (55-60). 5 - 6 November 2014.
Kirsch, P., Kirsch, A., Marling, G., Harris, J., Calderon, A., Shi, M. and Sprott, D. (2014). Management of health and safety in tunnelling: application of Australian coal mining knowledge. In: Proceedings 15th Australasian Tunnelling Conference 2014. 15th Australasian Tunnelling Conference 2014, Sydney, NSW, Australia, (563-571). 17-19 September 2014.
Mendham, F., Cliff, D. and Horberry, T. (2014). Improving fire life safety and asset loss control in mining: development of a video based fire detection system. In: P. N. Martens, Aachen international mining symposia. Sixth International Symposium High Performance Mining, Aachen, Germany, (359-374). 11-12 June 2014.
Cliff, D. (2014). Optimising emergency escape in Australian underground coal mines. In:Optimising emergency escape in Australian underground coal mines, Manly NSW, Australia, (). 27 - 28 March.
Kirsch, Philipp, Harris, Jill, Shi, Meng and Li, Jirui (2014). Investigating differential risk factors through comparison of coal fatalities in Australia, China, India, South Africa and the United States of America. In: Comparison of differential risk factors in coal mining fatalities in India, China, Australia, United States and South Africa. 4th Hazardous Areas Conference 2014, Melbourne VIC Australia, (). 15 - 17 July 2014.
Tapia Rivera, R., Kirsch, P and Clark, P (2014). Challenging perceptions? Sustainability reporting, the media and mining. In: Life-of-Mine 2014: Delivering sustainable legacies through integrated life-of-mine planning. Life-of-Mine 2014, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, (413-426). 16-18 July 2014.
Worden, S., Kirsch, A. and Kirsch, P. A. (2014). Moving beyond economic framing of the Australian coal industry. In: Life-of-Mine 2014: Delivering sustainable legacies through integrated life-of-mine planning. Life-of-Mine 2014, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, (365-375). 16-18 July 2014.
Williams, D. J., Kirsch, P. A., Gasparon, M., Baumgartl, T., Edraki, M., Rowe, D. and Harris, J. (2014). Application of RISKGATE to coal mine tailings dams. In: Life-of-Mine 2014: Delivering sustainable legacies through integrated life-of-mine planning. Life-of-Mine 2014, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, (219-230). 16-18 July 2014.
Hine, A. and Kirsch, P. (2014). Dreams of futures past: curating post-mined landscapes. In: Life-of-Mine 2014: Delivering sustainable legacies through integrated life-of-mine planning. Life-of-Mine 2014, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, (121-137). 16-18 July 2014.
Ribero-Duthie, C., Calderon, A., Viswanathan, D., Shi, M., Harris, J. and Kirsch, P. A. (2014). Resource company investments in health – a life-of-mine/life-of-community perspective across America. In: Life-of-Mine 2014: Delivering sustainable legacies through integrated life-of-mine planning. Life-of-Mine 2014, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, (349-363). 16-18 July 2014.
Shi, M., Kirsch, P. A., Vink, S. and Harris, J. (2014). Water as risk in mining – media analysis and the RISKGATE body of knowledge. In: Life-of-Mine 2014: Delivering sustainable legacies through integrated life-of-mine planning. Life-of-Mine 2014, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, (205-217). 16-18 July 2014.
Marling, G. J., Horberry, T. and Harris, J. (2014). Words have meaning..... especially in risk management. In: Engineers Australia RISK2014 Conference, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, (). 28-30 May 2014.
Kirsch, Philipp, Sprott, Darren and Shi, Meng (2014). Can shared coal industry knowledge be adapted to improve risk management outcomes in other high-risk domains?. In: Proceedings of AMPEAK Asset Management Conference 2014. AMPEAK Asset Management Conference 2014, Perth, WA, Australia, (). 2-5 June, 2014.
Harris, Jill, Kirsch, Philipp, Shi, Meng and Li, Jirui (2014). Investigating differential risk factors through comparison of national coal fatalities. In: Proceedings of RISK2014. RISK 2014 Conference, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, (). 28-30 May, 2014.
Kirsch, P. A., Shi, M., Harris, J., Li, J. and Sprott, D. (2014). RISKGATE and underground operations. In: 12th AusIMM Underground Operators’ Conference 2014: Proceedings. 12th AusIMM Underground Operators' Conference 2014, Adelaide, Australia, (11-18). 24-26 March 2014.
Harris, Jill, Kirsch, Philipp, Shi, Meng, Li, Jirui, Gagrani, Ankita, Krishna ES, Anand, Tabish, Ahmad, Arora, Deepanshu, Kothandaraman, Kishore and Cliff, David (2014). Comparative analysis of coal fatalities in Australia, South Africa, India, China and USA, 2006-2010. In: Naj Aziz, Bob Kininmonth, Jan Nemcik, Dennis Black, John Hoelle and Ismet Cunbulat, Proceedings of the 2014 Coal Operators' Conference. Coal 2014: Australian Coal Operators' Conference 2014, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, (399-407). 12-14 February, 2014.
Kirsch, Philipp, Harris, Jill, Sprott, Darren and Cliff, David (2014). RISKGATE and Australian coal operations. In: Naj Aziz, Bob Kininmonth, Jan Nemcik, Dennis Black, John Hoelle and Ismet Cunbulat, Proceedings of the 2014 Coal Operators' Conference. Coal 2014: Australian Coal Operators' Conference 2014, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, (389-398). 12-14 February, 2014.
Mendham, Frank, Cliff, David and Horberry, Tim (2014). Is carbon monoxide sensing an effective early fire detection option for underground coal mines?. In: Naj Aziz, Bob Kininmonth, Jan Nemcik, Dennis Black, John Hoelle and Ismet Cunbulat, Proceedings of the 2014 Coal Operators' Conference. Coal 2014: Australian Coal Operators' Conference 2014, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, (360-368). 12-14 February, 2014.
Kirsch, P. A., Harris, J., Cliff, D., Hebblewhite, B., Sprott, D., Shi, M., Ranjan, A., Sharma, S., Biswas, T. and Sharma, S (2014) Industry scale knowledge management: introducing the RISKGATE Strata Underground and Explosions Body of Knowledge. Canadian Institute of Mining Journal, 5 4: 237-244.
Driver acceptance of new technology: theory, measurement and optimisation. Edited by Michael A. Regan, Tim Horberry and Alan Stevens UK: Ashgate, 2014.
Long, Jennifer, Burgess-Limerick, Robin and Stapleton, Fiona (2014) Personal consequences of work-related physical discomfort: an exploratory study. Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 97 1: 30-35. doi:10.1111/cxo.12066
Stevens, Alan, Horberry, Tim and Regan, Michael A. (2014). Driver acceptance of new technology: synthesis and perspectives. In Michael A. Regan, Tim Horberry and Alan Stevens (Ed.), Driver acceptance of new technology: theory, measurement and optimisation(pp. 335-348) Farnham, Surrey, England, UK: Ashgate Publishing.
Horberry, Tim and Cooke, Tristan (2014). Operator acceptance of new technology for industrial mobile equipment. In Michael A. Regan, Tim Horberry and Alan Stevens (Ed.), Driver acceptance of new technology: theory, measurement and optimisation (pp. 227-239)Farnham, Surrey, England, UK: Ashgate Publishing.
Regan, Michael A., Stevens, Alan and Horberry, Tim (2014). Driver acceptance of new technology: overview. In Michael A. Regan, Tim Horberry and Alan Stevens (Ed.), Driver acceptance of new technology: theory, measurement and optimisation (pp. 3-8) Farnham, Surrey, England, UK: Ashgate Publishing.
Teng, Yi-Chun, Ward, James, Horberry, Tim, Patil, Vishal and Clarkson, John (2014). Retained guidewires in central venous catheterisation: an analysis of omission errors. In: Sarah Sharples and Steven T. Shorrock, Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2014. International Conference on Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2014 (EHF2014), Southampton, United Kingdom, (211-214). 7-10 April 2014. doi:10.1201/b16742-40
Horberry, Tim, Harris, Jill, Shi, Meng, Kirsch, Philipp, Rifkin, Will and Harris, Andrew (2014) Community road safety initiatives for the minerals industry. Minerals, 4 1: 1-16. doi:10.3390/min4010001
Wolfgang, Rebecca, Di Corleto, Luke and Burgess-Limerick, Robin (2014) Can an iPod Touch be used to assess whole-body vibration associated with mining equipment?. The Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 58 9: 1200-1204. doi:10.1093/annhyg/meu054
Cloete, Steve, Horberry,Tim and Head, Brian (2013) Urban water system safety: a human factors investigation. Water, 40 8: 56-61.
Steiner, Lisa J. and Burgess-Limerick, Robin (2013) Shape-coding and length-coding as a measure to reduce the probability of selection errors during the control of industrial equipment. IIE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors, 1 4: 224-234. doi:10.1080/21577323.2013.844209
Lau, C. L., Weinstein, P. and Slaney, D. (2013) Dengue surveillance by proxy: travellers as sentinels for outbreaks in the Pacific Islands. Epidemiology and Infection, 141 11: 2328-2334. doi:10.1017/S0950268813000058
Legge, Jennifer, Burgess-Limerick, Robin and Peeters, Geeske (2013) A New Pre-Employment Functional Capacity Evaluation Predicts Longer Term Risk of Musculoskeletal Injury in Healthy Workers: A Prospective Cohort Study. Spine, 38 25: 2208-2215. doi:10.1097/brs.0000000000000013
Long, Jennifer, Burgess-Limerick, Robin and Stapleton, Fiona (2013) What do clinical optometrists like about their job?. Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 96 5: 460-466. doi:10.1111/cxo.12017
Lukersmith, Sue and Burgess-Limerick, Robin (2013) The perceived importance and the presence of creative potential in the health professional's work environment. Ergonomics, 566: 922-934. doi:10.1080/00140139.2013.779033
Reid, A. W., Smith, Z. V., McAree, P. R., Cloete, S. and Horberry, T. (2013) Shovel Load Assist project: C16031 Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Australian Coal Association Research Program (ACARP)
Tey, L.-S., Wallis, Guy, Cloete, S., Ferreira, L. and Zhu, S. (2013) Evaluating driver behavior toward innovative warning devices at railway level crossings using a driving simulator. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, 5 2: 118-130. doi:10.1080/19439962.2012.731028
Horberry, Tim, Burgess-Limerick, Robin and Fuller, Ruth (2013) The contributions of human factors and ergonomics to a sustainable minerals industry. Ergonomics, 56 3: 556-564. doi:10.1080/00140139.2012.718800
Burgess-Limerick, Robin, Zupanc, Christine and Wallis, Guy (2013) Effect of control order on steering a simulated underground coal shuttle car. Applied Ergonomics, 44 2: 225-229. doi:10.1016/j.apergo.2012.07.007
Tey, Li-Sian, Wallis, Guy, Cloete, Steven and Ferreira, Luis (2013) Modelling driver behaviour towards innovative warning devices at railway level crossings. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 51 104-111. doi:10.1016/j.aap.2012.11.002
McNab, Karen, Onate, Barbara, Brereton, David, Horberry, Tim, Lynas, Danellie and Franks, Daniel M. (2013) Exploring the social dimensions of autonomous and remote operation mining: applying Social Licence in Design. Final cluster research report St. Lucia, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland; CSIRO
Kirsch, Philipp, Harris, Jill and Sprott, Darren (2013) Vertical integration of risk management in the Hunter Valley Coal Chain - Application of the coal industry's RISKGATE platform. AusIMM Bulletin, 1: 45-49.
Steiner, Lisa J., Burgess-Limerick, Robin, Eiter, Brianna, Porter, William and Matty, Tim (2013) Visual feedback system to reduce errors while operating roof bolting machines. Journal of Safety Research, 44 1: 37-44. doi:10.1016/j.jsr.2012.06.003
Duncombe, Jennifer, Lau, Colleen, Weinstein, Philip, Aaskov, John, Rourke, Michelle, Grant, Richard and Clements, Archie (2013) Seroprevalence of dengue in American Samoa, 2010. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 19 2: 326-327. doi:10.3201/eid1902.120464
Worden, S. and Kirsch, P. (2013) Coal industry takes innovative approach to risk management.. Safety solutions, 11 5: 4-6.
Kirsch, P., Shi, M. and Sprott, D. (2013) RISKGATE: industry sharing risk controls across Australian coal operations. Australian Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Engineering, 11 1: 47-58.
Lynas, D. and Burgess-Limerick, R. (2013) Participatory ergonomics case study: coal handling train crew operations. Ergonomics Australia, 10 1: 1-11.
Horberry, Tim, Regan, Michael A. and Edquist, Jessica (2013). Using road safety evidence and ‘Safety in Design’ approaches to regulate driver distraction from roadside advertising. In Michael A. Regan, John D. Lee and Trent W. Victor (Ed.), Driver distraction and inattention(pp. 389-403) Farnham, Surrey, United Kingdom: Ashgate.
Kirsch, P. A., Harris, J., Cliff, D., Hebblewhite, B., Sprott, D., Shi, M., Ranjan, A., Sharma, Sugandha, Biswas, T. and Sharma, S. (2013). Industry scale knowledge management-introducing the RISKGATE Strata Underground and Explosions Body of Knowledge. In: 23rd World Mining Congress 2013 Proceedings. 23rd World Mining Congress, Montreal, Canada, (). 11-15 August 2013.
Harris, J., Sprott, D., Torrance, A., Shi, M., Ranjan, A., Sharma, Sugandha, Biswas, T., Sharma, Sunil and Kirsch, P. A. (2013). Sharing industry knowledge to improve management of risks and safety in the use of explosives in surface mining. In: 23rd World Mining Congress 2013 Proceedings. 23rd World Mining Congress, Montreal, Canada, (). 11-15 August 2013.
Kirsch, P. A., Harris, J., Sprott, D. and Cliff, D. (2013). Industry scale knowledge management: RISKGATE and Australian coal operations. In: 23rd World Mining Congress 2013 Proceedings. 23rd World Mining Congress, Montreal, Canada, (1-10). 11-15 August 2013.
Kirsch, P. A., Harris, J., Shi, M., Arend, S, Barclay, M. A., Everingham, J. and Kim, J (2013). Preliminary findings on the health and well-being of the long distance commuting workforce in the Australian resources industry. In: 23rd World Mining Congress 2013 Proceedings. 23rd World Mining Congress, Montreal, Canada, (203-211). 11-15 August 2013.
Kirsch, P. A., Viswanathan, D., Harris, J., Shi, M., Shandro, J. and Jagals, P. (2013). Resource company investments in health: a life of mine–life of community perspective. In: 23rd World Mining Congress 2013 Proceedings. 23rd World Mining Congress, Montreal, Canada, (). 11-15 August 2013.
Kirsch, Philipp and Sprott, Darren (2013). RISKGATE: industry sharing risk controls across Australian coal operations. In: The Asset Management Conference 2013 Wrap-up Issue: Abstracts for Special Edition. ICOMS Asset Management Conference, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, (7-7). 3-6 June, 2013.
Bond, C. J., Shi, M. and Kirsch, P. (2013). Violence per ounce: is there a correlation between mineral values and conflict intensity?. In: 23rd World Mining Congress 2013 Proceedings. 23rd World Mining Congress, Montreal, Canada, (). 11-15 August 2013.
Burgess-Limerick, R. and Joy, J. (2013). The earth moving equipment safety round table equipment design evaluation for equipment procurement process. In: 23rd World Mining Congress 2013 Proceedings. 23rd World Mining Congress, Montreal, Canada, (). 11-15 August 2013.
Brady, Darren, Cliff, David, Nugent, Geoffrey, Devlin, Seamus, Tonegato, Steve and Mason, Peter (2013). Ensuring the survival of critical information sources after an underground incident: can it be achieved?. In: Proceedings of the 2013 Coal Operators Conference. 13th Australian Coal Operators' Conference (COAL2013), Wollongong, NSW, Australia, (248-258). 14-15 February 2013.
Cliff, D. (2013). Pike River Coal mine disaster: what actually happened?. In: ICSMRI 2013: 35th International Conference of Safety in Mines Research Institutes, London, UK, (). 15-17 October, 2013.
Horberry, Tim, Teng, Yi-Chun, Ward, James and Clarkson, P. John. (2013). Safe design of medical equipment: employing usability heuristics to examine the issue of guidewire retention after surgery. In: HFESA Conference Proceedings - 2013. HEFSA 2013: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia 2013 Annual Conference, Perth, Australia, (). 2-4 December 2013.
Cloete, S. and Horberry, T. (2013). Collision avoidance and semi-automation in electric rope shovel operation. In: HFESA Conference Proceedings - 2013. HEFSA 2013: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia 2013 Annual Conference, Perth, Australia, (). 2-4 December 2013.
Horberry, Tim, García-Fernández, Pedro, Ventsislavova-Petrova, Petya and Castro, Candida (2013). Initial development of psychological road audits: combining human factors, safe design and traffic psychology. In: HFESA Conference Proceedings - 2013. HEFSA 2013: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia 2013 Annual Conference, Perth, Australia, (). 2-4 December 2013.
Kirsch, P. A. (2013). Mining+health at MISHC: research within a life of mine-life of community perspective. In: ICSMRI 2013: 35th International Conference of Safety in Mines Research Institutes, London, U.K., (). 15-17 October, 2013.
Mendham, Frank, Cliff, David, Horberry, Tim and De Kock, Andre (2013). Early fire detection in underground coalmines. In: Proceedings of the 2013 Coal Operators' Conference. 2013 Coal Operators Conference, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, (259-265). 14-15 February, 2013.
Kirsch, P. A. (2013). Could RISKGATE be applied to industry scale knowledge management in European mining?. In: ICSMRI 2013: 35th International Conference of Safety in Mines Research Institutes, London, U.K., (). 15-17 October, 2013.
Marras, William S., Beerbower, David, Beilock, Sian L., Cliff, David, Dean, James, DeJoy, David M., Holland, Albert W., O'Dell, Dennis B. and Wegman, David H. Improving self-escape from underground coal mines. Washington, DC, United States: The National Academies Press, 2013.
Harris, Jill D., Cutmore, Tim R. H., O'Gorman, John, Finnigan, Simon and Shum, David H. K. (2013) Electrophysiological correlates of perceptual auditory priming without explicit recognition memory. Journal of Psychophysiology, 27 4: 185-195. doi:10.1027/0269-8803/a000104
Ward, James, Teng, Yi-Chun, Horberry, Tim and Clarkson, P. John (2013). Healthcare human reliability analysis: by HEART. In: Martin Anderson, Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2013: Proceedings of the international conference on Ergonomics & Human Factors 2013. International Conference on Ergonomics & Human Factors 2013, Cambridge, UK, (287-288). 15-18 April, 2013. doi:10.1201/b13826-62
Horberry, Tim and Bradley, Mike (2013). Safe design of mobile construction and mining equipment. In: Martin Anderson, Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2013: Proceedings of the international conference on Ergonomics & Human Factors 2013. International Conference on Ergonomics & Human Factors 2013, Cambridge, UK, (259-266). 15-18 April, 2013. doi:10.1201/b13826-57
Cattermole, Vanessa, Horberry, Tim and Cloete, Steven (2013) Highway traffic incident management: an operator-centred investigation. International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2 2/3: 159-174. doi:10.1504/IJHFE.2013.057615
Horberry, Tim, Xiao, Tania, Fuller, Ruth and Cliff, David (2013) The role of human factors and ergonomics in mining emergency management: three case studies. International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2 2/3: 116-130. doi:10.1504/IJHFE.2013.057610
Horberry, Tim (2012) Better integration of human factors considerations within safety in design. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 15 3: 293-304. doi:10.1080/1463922X.2012.727108
Moore, A., Goater, S. and Baker, N. (2012) Reducing business risk through integrated mine water management: pipe dream, conceptually plausible, or imminent reality?. AusIMM Bulletin, 1 6: 34-38.
Lau, Colleen L. and DePasquale, John M. (2012) Leptospirosis diagnostic challenges, American Samoa.. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 18 12: 2079-2081. doi:10.3201/eid1812.120429
Burgess-Limerick, Robin, Joy, Jim, Cooke, Tristan and Horberry, Tim (2012) EDEEP - an innovative process for improving the safety of mining equipment. Minerals, 2 4: 272-282. doi:10.3390/min2040272
Burgess-Limerick, Robin (2012) How on earth moving equipment can ISO 2631.1 be used to evaluate whole body vibration?. Journal of Safety and Health Research and Practice, 4 2: 14-21.
Horberry, Tim (2012) The health and safety benefits of new technologies in mining: a review and strategy for designing and deploying effective user-centred systems. Minerals, 2 4: 417-425. doi:10.3390/min2040417
Cloete, Steven, Horberry, Tim and Head, Brian (2012) Human factors in urban water system safety: humans and technology St Lucia, QLD, Australia: Urban Water Security Research Alliance
Towers, John, Burgess-Limerick, Robin and Riek, Stephan (2012) Improving 3-D Audio Localisation through the Provision of Supplementary Spatial Audio Cues. The Ergonomics Open Journal, 5 1-9.
Li, Xilin, Powell, Malcolm and Horberry, Tim (2012) Human factors in control room operations in mineral processing: Elevating control from reactive to proactive. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 6 1: 88-111. doi:10.1177/1555343411432340
Werner, A. K., Goater, S., Carver, S., Robertson, G., Allen, G. R. and Weinstein, P. (2012) Environmental drivers of Ross River virus in southeastern Tasmania, Australia: Towards strengthening public health interventions. Epidemiology and Infection, 140 2: 359-371. doi:10.1017/S0950268811000446
Horberry, Tim and Lynas, Danellie (2012) Automation design, skills, capabilities and training: development of a human factors framework St. Lucia, QLD, Australia: CSIRO Mineral Futures Collaboration Cluster
Horberry, Tim and Lynas, Danellie (2012) Human interaction with automated mining equipment: the development of an emerging technologies database. Ergonomics Australia, 81: 1-6.
Kizil, G. V., Bye, A. and Joy, J. (2012). Risk-cost-benefit analysis of early warning technologies impact for wall failure risk management in surface mines. In: Eighth AusIMM Open Pit Operators’ Conference 2012: Automation, Maximising Throughput & Return: Proceedings. Eighth AusIMM Open Pit Operators' Conference 2012, Perth, Australia, (55-63). 18-19 September 2012.
Nugent, Geoffrey, Brady, Darren, Cliff, David and Devlin, Seamus (2012). Pike River mine re-entry and emergency mine re-entry guideline application and learnings. In: Naj Aziz, Bob Kininmonth, Jan Nemick and Ting Ren, Proceedings of the 2012 Coal Operators' Conference. 2012 Coal Operators' Conference, Wollongong, Australia, (352-361). 16-17 Feb 2012.
Xiao, Tania and Cliff, David (2012). Control Room operations during underground coal mine emergencies: the challenges are organizational not just technical. In: AAVPA Conference Proceedings 2012. 10th International Symposium of the Australian Avaition Psychology Association, Sydney, Australia, (). 19-22 November 2012.
Cliff, D. and Bailey, K. (2012). Health, safety and sustainability. In: Proceedings International Mine Management 2012. International Mine Management 2012 Conference, Melbourne, Australia, (53-58). 20-21 November 2012.
Kirsch, P., Harris, J., Goater, S., Cliff, D. and Sprott, D. (2012). RISKGATE - an innovative online portal to assist risk management in the australian coal industry. In: Risk and Development in a Changing World. World Congress on Risk 2012, Sydney, NSW, Australia, (). July 18 -20.
Kirsch, P., Viswanathan, D., LaBouchardiere, R., Shandro, J. and Jagals, P. (2012). Health impacts extend from the life of a mine to the life of a community – knowledge gaps. In: Life-of-Mine Conference 2012: Conference Proceedings. Life of Mine Conference (AusIMM), Brisbane, Australia, (161-167). 10-12 July 2012.
LaBouchardiere, R., Harris, J. D. and Kirsch, P. (2012). Mining and health in development – an inventory of global resource industry health initiatives in developing countries. In: Proceedings International Mine Management 2012. International Mine Management 2012 Conference, Melbourne, Australia, (75-90). 20-21 November 2012.
Harris, J., Sprott, D., Spinks, M., Cliff, D., Goater, S. and Kirsch, P. (2012). RISKGATE - a case study in application to fires on mobile plant. In: Eighth AusIMM Open Pit Operators’ Conference 2012: Automation, Maximising Throughput & Return: Proceedings. Eighth AusIMM Open Pit Operators' Conference 2012, Perth, Australia, (49-54). 18-19 September 2012.
Goater, S., Goater, R., Goater, I. and Kirsch, P. (2012). This life of mine: personal reflections on the well-being of the contracted FIFO workforce. In: Eighth AusIMM Open Pit Operators’ Conference 2012: Automation, Maximising Throughput & Return: Proceedings. Eighth AusIMM Open Pit Operators' Conference 2012, Perth WA, Australia, (31-40). September 19-21 2012.
Leveritt, Sue (2012). Beyond the basics - shifting focus to optimise operator performance. In: Simulation - Integrated Solutions. SimTecT 2012: Asia-Pacific Simulation Training Conference and Exhibition, Adelaide, Australia, (58-58). 18-21 June 2012.
Cliff, D., Ham, B. and Ross, J. (2012). Occupational health and safety. In Mine manager's handbook (pp. 49-84) Carlton, VIC., Australia: AusIMM.
Williams, S., Cliff, D., Jones, H., Dunlop, J., Hal,l A. and Lehany, T. (2012). Overview of mine management. In Mine managers' handbook (pp. 1-48) Carlton, VIC., Australia: AusIMM.
Burgess-Limerick, R. (2012). Biomechanical hazards. In Health and Safety Professionals Alliance (Ed.), The core body of knowledge for generalist OHS professionals (pp. 1-16)Tullamarine, Vic., Australia: Safety Institute of Australia.
Burgess-Limerick, R. (2012). Manual tasks. In Cormack E. Dunn and Sue Chennell (Ed.), Australian master work health and safety guide (pp. 575-594) North Ryde, NSW, Australia: CCH Australia.
Fuller, Ruth, Cliff, David and Horberry, Tim (2012). Optimising the use of an incident management system in coal mining emergencies. In: Earth: Fire and rain: Disaster and Emergency Management Conference proceedings. Australian and New Zealand Disaster and Emergency Management Conference, Brisbane, Qld., Australia, (166-176). 16 – 18 April 2012.
Leveritt, S. and Wood, P. (2012). Raising the simulator training bar - strategies for improved work performance and effective utilisation of site-based simulators. In: Eighth AusIMM Open Pit Operators’ Conference 2012: Automation, Maximising Throughput & Return: Proceedings. Eighth AusIMM Open Pit Operators' Conference 2012, Perth, Australia, (65-70). 18-19 September 2012.
Burgess-Limerick, Robin (2012). Control measures for avoiding collisions in underground mines. In: 2012 Proceedings: Occupational Safety in Transport Conference. Occupational Safety in Transport Conference 2012, Gold Coast, Qld., Australia, (). 20-21 September 2012.
Cooke, T., Horberry, T. and Burgess-Limerick, R. (2012). Revisiting injury narratives to pinpoint human factor issues associated with surface mobile mining equipment. In: 2012 Proceedings: Occupational Safety in Transport Conference. Occupational Safety in Transport Conference 2012, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, (). 20-21 September 2012.
Maybury, Terry (2012). Unlearning by accident or by design: literate limitations to learning in simulations. In: Elyssebeth Leigh, Proceedings of Simtect 2012: Asia-Pacific Simulation Training Conference. Asia-Pacific Simulation Training Conference: SimTecT 2012, Adelaide, SA, Australia, (). 18-21 June 2012.
Brady, Darren and Cliff, David (2012). Opportunity for re-entry into a coal mine immediately following an explosion. In: Naj Aziz, Bob Kininmonth, Jan Nemick and Ting Ren, Proceedings of the 2012 Coal Operators' Conference. 2012 Coal Operators' Conference, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, (336-340). 16-17 February 2012.
Kizil, G. V., Griffiths, D., Bye, A. and Joy, J. (2012). Using a coal mine safety regime approach to the management of high-voltage electrical isolation. In: International Mine Management Conference 2012 Proceedings. International Mine Management Conference 2012, Melbourne, Australia, (59-74). 20-21 November 2012.
Bansuan, A. M., Goater, S. E., Danoucaras, A. N. and Hearne, D. (2012). Integrated sustainable water management in mining for development in the Philippines. In: International Mine Management Conference 2012 Proceedings. International Mine Management Conference 2012, Melbourne, Australia, (205-226). 20-21 November 2012.
Long, Jennifer, Burgess-Limerick, Robin and Staoleton, Fiona (2012) Work-related discomfort in the optometry profession – whose responsibility?. Ergonomics Australia, 10 6: .
Mendham, Frank, Cliff, David and Horberry, Tim (2012). A quantitative approach to engineering fire life safety in modern underground coal mines. In: Naj Aziz, Bob Kininmonth, Jan Nemick and Ting Ren, Proceedings of the 2012 Coal Operators' Conference. 2012 Coal Operators' Conference, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, (327-335). 16-17 February 2012.
Cliff, David (2012). Mine environment monitoring - So what's changed since Moura no. 2?. In: Basil Beamish and Duncan Chalmers, Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2011. Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2011, Sydney, Australia, (1-5). 5-6 September 2011.
Cliff, David (2012). Explosibility limits - Establishing criteria for mine re-entry. In: Basil Beamish and Duncan Chalmers, Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2011. Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2011, Sydney, Australia, (95-101). 5-6 September 2011.
Kirsch, Philipp, Goater, Sarah, Harris, Jill, Sprott, Darren and Joy, Jim (2012). RISKGATE: promoting and redefining best practice for risk management in the Australian coal industry. In: Naj Aziz, Bob Kininmonth, Jan Nemcik and Ting Ren, Proceedings of the 2012 Coal Operators' Conference. 2012 Coal Operators' Conference, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, (316-326). 16-17 February 2012.
Brady, D., Nugent, G. and Cliff, D. (2012). A new approach to assessing explosibility during mines rescue operations. In: 2012 SME Annual Meeting and Exhibit 2012, SME 2012, Meeting Preprints. 2012 SME Annual Meeting & Exhibit 2012 (SME 2012), Seattle, United States, (357-359). 19-22 February 2012.
Brady, D., Nugent, G., Cliff, D., Devlin, S. and Grieves, J. (2012). A new approach to decision making for mines rescue deployment. In: 2012 SME Annual Meeting and Exhibit 2012, SME 2012, Meeting Preprints. 2012 SME Annual Meeting & Exhibit (SME 2012), Seattle, United States, (353-356). 19-22 February 2012.
Cloete, Steven, Zupanc, Christine, Burgess-Limerick, Robin and Wallis, Guy (2012). Steering performance and dynamic complexity in a simulated underground mining vehicle. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 56th Annual Meeting 2012. 56th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Boston, MA, United States, (1341-1345). 21-26 October 2012. doi:10.1177/1071181312561386
Horberry, T. and Cooke, T. (2012). Safe and inclusive design of equipment used in the minerals industry. In Patrick Langdon, John Clarkson, Peter Robinson, Jonathan Lazar and Ann Heylighen (Ed.), Designing inclusive systems: designing inclusion for real-world applications (pp. 23-32) London, United Kingdom: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-2867-0-3
Burgess-Limerick, Robin, Zupanc, Christine M. and Wallis, Guy (2012) Directional control–response compatibility of joystick steered shuttle cars. Ergonomics, 55 10: 1278-1283. doi:10.1080/00140139.2012.700328
Long, Jennifer, Burgess-Limerick, Robin and Stapleton, Fiona (2012). Work-related musculoskeletal discomfort and injuries in Australian optometrists. In: Marcelo M. Soares and Karen Jacobs, IEA 2012: 18th World Congress on Ergonomics - Designing a sustainable future. 18th World Congress on Ergonomics, Recife, Brazil, (1864-1868). 12-16 February 2012. doi:10.3233/WOR-2012-0399-1864
Xiao, Tania and Sanderson, Penelope M. (2012). Developing and evaluating the Organisational Constraints Analysis (OCA) approach to analysing work coordination via resource allocation case studies. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 56th Annual Meeting, HFES 2012. 56th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES 2012), Boston, MA, United States, (373-377). 22 - 26 October 2012. doi:10.1177/1071181312561085
Horberry, Tim (2011) Safe design of mobile equipment traffic management systems. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 41 5: 551-560. doi:10.1016/j.ergon.2011.04.003
Hoel, D. F., Zollner, G. E., El-Hossary, S. S., Fawaz, E. Y., Watany, N., Hanafi, H. A., Obenauer, P. J. and Kirsch, P. (2011) Comparison of three carbon dioxide sources on phlebotomine sand fly capture in Egypt. Journal of Medical Entomology, 48 5: 1057-1061. doi:10.1603/ME11083
Lynas, Danellie and Horberry, Tim (2011) Interview results: emerging trends on the human factors issues regarding automated mining equipment St. Lucia, QLD, Australia: CSIRO Minerals Down Under Flagship
Tichon, Jennifer and Burgess-Limerick, Robin (2011) A review of virtual reality as a medium for safety related training in mining. Journal of Health and Safety, Research and Practice, 3 1: 33-40.
Edquist, Jessica, Horberry, Tim, Hosking, Simon and Johnston, Ian (2011) Effects of advertising billboards on simulated driving. Applied Ergonomics, 42 4: 619-626. doi:10.1016/j.apergo.2010.08.013
Lynas, Danellie and Horberry, Tim (2011) Literature review: emerging human factors trends regarding automated mining equipment St. Lucia, QLD, Australia: CSIRO Minerals Down Under Flagship
Cliff, David, Bell, David, Harvey, Tim, Reczek, Anthony and Reece, David (2011) Pike River Coal Mine explosion: investigation for nature and cause Auckland, NZ: Department of Labour, New Zealand
Cooke, Tristan and Horberry, Tim (2011). Driver satisfaction with a modified proximity detection system in mine haul trucks following an accident investigation. In: Rebecca Mitchell, Proceedings of the 47th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Synergy in Sydney...Creating Partnerships: 47th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia, Sydney, Australia, (1-6). 7-9 November 2011.
Long, Jennifer, Burgess-Limerick, Robin and Stapleton, Fiona (2011) Toward a more comfortable profession – disseminating ergonomics information to Australian optometrists. Ergonomics Australia, 7 1: 1-6.
Lynas, Danellie and Horberry, Tim (2011) A review of Australian human factors research and stakeholder opinions regarding mines of the future. Ergonomics Australia, 11 44: 1-5.
Burgess-Limerick, Robin (2011) Avoiding collisions in underground mines. Ergonomics Australia, 11 44: 1-4.
Long, Jennifer, Lau, Christopher, Burgess-Limerick, Robin, Stapleton, Fiona and Ko, Yean Loe (Chloe) (2011) Developing strategies for reducing work-related discomfort in optometry students. Ergonomics Australia, 11 44: 1-6.
Edquist, Jessica, Horberry, Tim, Hosking, Simon and Johnston, Ian (2011). Advertising billboards impair change detection in road scenes. In: ARSRPE Conference Papers. 2011 Australasian Road Safety Research, Education and Policing Conference, Perth, Australia, (1-8). 6-9 November 2011.
Burgess-Limerick, Robin, Cotea, Cristina, Pietrzak, Eva and Fleming, Peter (2011) Human systems integration in defence and civilian industries. Australian Defence Force Journal, 186: 51-60.
Cliff, D (2011). Managing health and safety or just complying. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Behaviour based safety and Safety Management. 1st International Symposium on Behaviour based safety and Safety Management, Beijing, People's Republic of China, (). 23-26 September 2011.
Cooke, Tristan and Horberry, Tim (2011). Human factors in the design and deployment of proximity detection systems for mobile mining equipment. In: Martin Anderson, Contemporary ergonomics and human factors 2011: Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2011. International Conference on Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2011, Rochford, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom, (38-49). 12-14 April 2011.
Cooke, Tristan and Horberry, Tim (2011). The operability and maintainability analysis technique: Integrating task and risk analysis in the safe design of industrial equipment. In: Martin Anderson, Contemporary ergonomics and human factors 2011: Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2011. International Conference on Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2011, Rochford, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom, (3-6). 12-14 April 2011.
Leveritt, Sue (2011). Simulator training: A tool for managing the unexpected. In: Achieving Excellence in Training and Decision Support through Simulation. SimTecT 2011 Conference, Melbourne, Australia, (457-462). 31 May to 2 June 2011.
Cliff, D. (2011) The future of risk management. AusIMM Bulletin, 6: 39-40.
Zupanc, Christine M., Burgess-Limerick, Robyn and Wallis, Guy (2011) Effect of age on learning to drive a virtual coal mine shuttle car. The Ergonomics Open Journal, 4 Suppl 2-M7: 112-124. doi:10.2174/1875934301104010112
Burgess-Limerick, Robin (2011) Human factors and ergonomics in the minerals industry. The Ergonomics Open Journal, 4 Suppl. 2-M1: 61-61. doi:10.2174/1875934301104010061
Burgess-Limerick Robin (2011) Injuries associated with underground coal mining equipment. The Ergonomics Open Journal, 4 Suppl. 2-M1: 62-73. doi:10.2174/1875934301104010062
Lynas, Danellie and Horberry, Tim (2011) Human factor issues with automated mining equipment. The Ergonomics Open Journal, 4 S2-M3: 74-80. doi:10.2174/1875934301104010074
Horberry, Tim, Cooke, Tristan, Li, Xilin and Marling, Garry (2011) Operator decision making in the minerals industry. The Ergonomics Open Journal, 4 S2-M3: 103-111. doi:10.2174/1875934301104010103
Horberry, Tim and Cooke, Tristan (2010) Using the critical decision method for incident analysis in mining. Journal of Health and Safety Research and Practice, 2 2: 10-22.
Leveritt, Sue, Horberry, Tim and Cooke, Tristan (2010) New knowledge elicitation methods to capture risks related to mobile mining equipment Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Australian Coal Association Research Program (ACARP)
Leveritt, Sue, Horberry, Tim and Cooke, Tristan (2010) New knowledge elicitation methods to capture risks related to mobile mining equipment Brisbane, Australia: ACARP
Stevens, Alan, Burnett, Gary and Horberry, Tim (2010) A reference level for assessing the acceptable visual demand of in-vehicle information systems. Behaviour and Information Technology, 29 5: 527-540. doi:10.1080/01449291003624212
Cliff, David and Johnston, Richard (2010) Final report on the provision of evaluation and research services on the effectiveness of compliance action in improving mine safetyBrisbane, QLD, Australia: Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Queensland Government
Safer and more productive workplaces: Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia (2010) . Edited by Robin Burgess-Limerick. 46th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia, 31 October- 3 November 2010, Twin Waters Qld., Australia.
Basacik, D, Dale, A, Reed, N and Horberry, T (2010). Instrument panel illumination, vehicle lighting and driver errors. In Dick de Waard, Arne Axelsson, Martina Berglund, Björn Peters and Clemens Weikert (Ed.), Human factors: A system view of human, technology and organisation (pp. 217-230) Maastricht, the Netherlands: Shaker Publishing.
Leveritt, Sue, Horberry, Tim and Cooke, Tristan (2010). Knowledge elicitation solutions for improving performance and efficiency. In: Proceedings of the Queensland Mining Industry Health and Safety Conference 2010: Simple solutions to complex problems. Queensland Mining Industry Health and Safety Conference 2010, Townsville, Qld., Australia, (1-6). 22-25 August 2010.
Leveritt, Sue (2010). Let's talk about it! A novel approach to improving performance and efficiency at the coal face. In: Proceedings of the SIA QLD/NT 18th Annual Visions Conference (Visions 2010). SIA QLD/NT 18th Annual Visions Conference (Visions 2010), Gold Coast, Qld., Australia, (1-13). 6-8 October 2010.
Horberry, Tim and Cooke, Tristan (2010). Collision detection and proximity warning systems for mobile mining equipment: A human factors exploration. In: Josef Krems, Tibor Petzoldt and Matthias Henning, Proceedings of the European conference on Human Centred Design for Intelligent Transport Systems. European conference on Human Centred Design for Intelligent Transport Systems, Berlin, Germany, (237-246). 29-30 April 2010.
Li, Xilin, Horberry, Tim and Kirsch, Philipp (2010). Workload assessment at a green power control centre. In: John Wood, ICOCO2010 Proceedings. ICOCO 2010: International Control-room design Conference 2010, Paris, France, (). 25-26 October 2010.
Cliff, David and Grieves, John (2010). Improving emergency management in underground coal mines. In: Naj Aziz, Proceedings of the 10th Underground Coal Operators’ Conference. 10th Underground Coal Operators’ Conference, Wollongong, N.S.W., Australia, (281-287). 11-12 February 2010.
Nugent, Geoff, Devlin, Seamus, Grieves, John, Cliff, David and Brady, Darren (2010). Mines rescue guidelines: The next generation. In: Naj Aziz, 2010 Underground Coal Operators' Conference. Coal 2010: 10th Underground Coal Operators' Conference, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, (288-298). 11-12 February 2010.
Lynas, Danellie and Horberry, Tim (2010). Exploring the human factors challenges of automated mining equipment. In: Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia (HFESA 2010). 46th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia (HFESA 2010), Sunshine Coast, Qld., Australia, (115-122). 31 October - 2 November 2010.
Leveritt, Sue (2010). Workforce engagement: A model for improving performance and efficiency. In: Robin Burgess-Limerick, Safer and More Productive Workplaces: Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia. HFESA 2010: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia Inc. Annual Conference 2010, Maroochydore, QLD, Australia, (79-92). 31 October-2 November 2010.
Cooke,Tristan and Horberry, Tim (2010). The operability and maintainability analysis technique: A new approach to improve prevention through design across the life cycle of mobile equipment used in mining. In: Robin Burgess-Limerick, Safer and More Productive Workplaces - Proceedings of the 46th Annual ! ! Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia. HFESA 46th Annual Conference, Sunshine Coast, Qld., Australia, (65-78). 31 October-3 November 2010.
Long, J., Burgess-Limerick, R. and Stapleton, F. (2010). Acceptance of participatory ergonomics in a healthcare setting. In: Robin Burgess-Limerick, 46th Annual Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia Conference 2010. 46th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia, Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia, (43-52). 31 October-3 November 2010.
Witzgall, Peter, Kirsch, Philipp and Cork, Alan (2010) Sex pheromones and their impact on pest management. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 36 1: 80-100. doi:10.1007/s10886-009-9737-y
Li, Xilin, Horberry, Tim and Powell, Malcolm (2010). Human control in mineral processing plants: An operator centered investigation. In: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Human Factors and Ergnonomics Society 54th ANNUAL MEETING - 2010, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A, (284-288). 27 September - 1 October 2010. doi:10.1518/107118110X12829369201151
Pre 2010
Cliff, David (2009) Airbourne contaminants, noise and vibration Canberra, ACT Australia: Australian Government Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism
Milne, M. A., Ross, E. J., Sonenshine, D. E. and Kirsch, P. (2009) Attraction of Triatoma dimidiata and Rhodnius prolixus (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) to combinations of host cues tested at two distances. Journal of Medical Entomology, 46 5: 1062-1073. doi:10.1603/033.046.0513
Cliff, David (2009) Optimising the Collection of Information for Effective Use in the Event of an Emergency at an Underground Coal Mine Brisbane, Qld: Australian Coal Association Research Program (ACARP)
Kizil, Guldidar and Rasche, Tilman (2009) TYREgate: A “world first” risk management decision support tool for earthmover tyres and rims. C17032, Queensland Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, Division of Mines and Energy, The University of Queensland.
Horberry, Tim, Sarno, Sabrina, Joy, Jim and Cooke, Tristan (2009) Development of the operability and maintainability analysis technique for use with large surface haul trucksBrisbane, QLD, Australia: ACARP
Cliff, David (2009) Mining and extractives industry health indices Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland
Cliff, David I., Beamish, Bevan B., Cuddihy, P. and Rowlands, D. (2009). Explosion, Fires and Spontaneous Combustion. In R. J. Kininmonth and E. Y. Baafi (Ed.), Australasian Coal Mining Practice 3rd ed. (pp. 800-814) Carlton, Victoria, Australia: The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM).
Horberry, Tim and Inwood, Catherine (2009). Developing and Evaluating Static Assessment Rig Criteria for the Functional Assessment of Driving. In: HFESA Designing Futures, 45th Annual Conference, Human Factors & Ergonomics Society of Australia. Designing Futures - 45th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia, University of Melbourne, (24-1-24-8). 22-25 November 2009.
Marling, Garry James and Horberry, Tim (2009). Operator Decision Making Before Starting and While Doing an Activity/Task: Development and Evaluation of Integrated Front-end Priming and Heuristic Risk Management Tools for Operators. In: B.L. William Wong and Neville A. Stanton, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making. NDM9, the 9th International Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making, London, England, (362-369). 23-26 June 2009.
Cliff, David (2009). Spontaneous Combustion Management - Linking Experiment with Reality. In: Naj Aziz and Jan Nemcik, Proceedings of the 2009 Coal Operators' Conference. Coal 2009 9th Underground Coal Operators' Conference, University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia, (281-286). 12-13 February 2009.
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Laurence, David, Cliff, David, Butler, Ellen, Schofield, Shelby, Ormerod, Robin, Visser, John, Ham, Bruce, Gross, Neil, Collins, Greg, Charlton, Emma, Mandl, Alex and Noyce, Kurtis Airborne Contaminants, Noise and Vibration. Canberra ACT: Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, 2009.
Simpson, Geoff, Horberry, Tim and Joy, Jim Understanding Human Error in Mine Safety.Farnham, Surrey, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2009.
Poplin, Gerald S., Miller, Hugh B., Ranger-Moore, James, Bofinger, Carmel M., Kurzius-Spencer, Margaret, Harris, Robin B. and Burgess, Jefferey L. (2008) International evaluation of injury rates in coal mining: A comparison of risk and compliance-based regulatory approaches. Safety Science, 46 8: 1196-1204. doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2007.06.025
Durvasula, Ravi V., Sundaram, Ranjini K., Kirsch, Philipp, Hurwitz, Ivy, Crawford, Carl V., Dotson, Ellen and Beard, Charles B. (2008) Genetic transformation of a Corynebacterial symbiont from the Chagas disease vector Triatoma infestans. Experimental Parasitology, 1191: 94-98. doi:10.1016/j.exppara.2007.12.020
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Cliff, David and Farrelly, Kristy (2008) Review of Health monitoring and surveillance requirements and practice in Australian mining OHS Jurisdictions and a description of best practice Not available:
Lau, Colleen (2008). Chikungunya fever: havoc in the West Indian Ocean Islands. In Deon V. Canyon (Ed.), Environmental change and human health: case studies I (pp. 130-145) Red Hill, QLD, Australia: Australasian College of Tropical Medicine.
Cliff, David I. and Horberry, Tim (2008) Hours of work risk factors for coal mining.. International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering, 1 1: 77-94.
Grech, Michelle Rita, Horberry, Tim and Koester, Thomas Human Factors in the Maritime Domain. Florida, USA: CRC Press, 2008.
Kizil, G. and Rasche, T. (2008). TYREgate: A causal factors database and risk management decision making support tool for earthmover tyres and rims. In: Queensland Mining Industry Health and Safety Conference: Breaking New Ground. Queensland Mining Industry Health and Safety Conference, Townsville, Queensland, (). 17 - 20 August 2008.
Horberry, Tim and Edquist, Jessica (2008). Distractions outside the Vehicle. In Reagan, Michael A.,, Lee, John D. and Young, Kristie L. (Ed.), Driver Distraction. Theory, Effects and Mitigation (pp. 215-227) U. S. A.: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group.
Haynes, Kenneth F., Mclaughlin, John, Stamper, Shelby, Rucker, Charlene, Webster, Francis X., Czokajlo, Darek and Kirsch, Philipp (2007) Pheromone trap for the eastern tent caterpillar moth. Environmental Entomology, 36 5: 1199-1205. doi:10.1603/0046-225X(2007)36[1199:PTFTET]2.0.CO;2
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Czokajlo, D., McLaughlin, J., Abu-Ayyash, L. I., Teale, S., Wickham, J., Warren, J., Hoffman, R., Aukema, B., Raffa, K. and Kirsch, P. (2003). Intercept™ Panel Trap (INT PT) effective in management of forest coleoptera. In: Michael L. McManus and Andrew M. Liebhold, Ecology, Survey and Management of Forest Insects, Proceedings.. Conference on Ecology, Survey and Managment of Forest Insects, Krakow, Poland, (125-126). 1-5 September 2002.
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