MISHC Research

The Minerals Industry Safety and Health Centre (MISHC) is internationally recognised for delivering innovative research to create safer, healthier and more rewarding workplaces.

Artificial Intelligence for Health, Safety and Environmental Risk Management

Artificial intelligence for health, safety and environmental risk management program has been developed to provide the industry with tailor-made software and hardware solutions as well as scientific guidance that will support achieving transformation in HSE, risk management and productivity optimization which new AI methods promise. 

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Dust and Respiratory Health Program

The Minerals Industry Safety and Health Centre (MISHC) Dust  and Respiratory Health Program is committed to the study of dust and particulates and their correlation with occupational lung diseases.

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Gaps in the Understanding and Management of Particulates

Strategic Assessment of Gaps in the Understanding and Management of Particulates in the Resources Sector aims to identify and target major gaps in our understanding of particulate matter.

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Human Aspects of Mining 

The program aims to provide industry with evidence-based guidance that will assist them in achieving a step-change in safety and health. it considers a range of research areas associated with of mining including the human aspects of automation, human systems integration, new technology readiness and uptake, proximity interface design, and whole-body vibration.

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Attractive Work Program

The attractive work program aims to provide industry with evidence-based guidance on how to design human-centred mining work that is attractive, healthy, safe, and productive for a maximally diverse workforce.

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Artisanal and Small Scale Mining

MISHC staff have been engaged to develop appropriate content and provide “in country “ health and safety training programs to small scale gold, precious stone, quarry and coal miners and the regulatory departments overseeing these activities in Ghana, Madagascar, Mongolia, Guyana, Fiji and Papua and New Guinea.

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Mining Automation Human Systems Integration

Automation offers the mining industry great potential for improvements in productivity and safety. However, the experience of introducing automation in other industries has been that the full potential of new technology is not always realized.

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Proximity advisory information interface design

Collisions involving haul-trucks are a high risk at surface coal mines. Visibility restrictions inherent in the design of haul-trucks may lead to drivers being unaware of the position and movement of other vehicles. Manufacturers and after-market suppliers have responded to this challenge by developing a range of technologies which provide information to haul-truck drivers to assist the driver predict and avoid potential collisions. 

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RISKGATE is an on-line body of knowledge (BOK) that complements existing risk management processes to provide event-specific controls for people in the Australian coal mining industry who conduct and/or develop risk assessments, audits, incident investigations and management systems. 

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Whole-body vibration

Operators of mining equipment are exposed to high amplitude whole-body vibration. This exposure is strongly associated with the subsequent development of back pain and other adverse health effects. 

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