Hear from leading experts at the Australian Mine Waste Symposium.

Leaders from industry and academia share their experiences and insights into the challenges and opportunities of integrating valorisation of mine waste in the Australian mining industry.

See speakers below.

2. Greg Dipple – Theme 1 | Valorisation to Sequestration

Greg Dipple is the Head of Science and a Co-Founder of Arca Climate Technologies.  He is also a Professor of Geological Sciences at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada where he has studied mineral-fluid reactions, including those that modulate long-term climate through chemical weathering. For two decades, he has directed the CarbMin Lab which through field, modelling and experimental research has established that weathering of alkaline mine wastes are vastly accelerated over natural weathering rates such that they can impact the short term carbon cycle.

Professor Dipple has held academic leadership roles at the Department and Faculty level, and in industry-oriented research consortia such as the Mineral Deposit Research Unit and the Bradshaw Research Institute for Minerals and Mining. He is currently on leave from the University to focus advancing the commercialization of carbon mineralization with Arca Climate Technologies.