Leading for High Reliability Centre

Providing industry with the knowledge, skills, and tools to create and sustain high reliability organisations.

The Leading for High Reliability Centre (LHRC) brings together researchers from across the University interested in using High Reliability Organisational (HRO) thinking to improve outcomes across such fields as safety and health, sustainability, and environmental performance.

Watch the video to learn more about the Centre.

Our vision

Through the Centre we aim to provide high-level analysis, assessment, advice, and support to improve the effectiveness of organisations, and their leaders. We also conduct cutting-edge research to advance our understanding of HRO practice to inform evidence-based interventions with, and by, industry.

We aim to:

  • Provide industry with in-depth HRO diagnostics, advice, and support to facilitate organisational transformation and strengthen workplace culture.
  • Develop and deliver world-class HRO education and training programs that provide industry with the knowledge and skills required to implement HRO principles and practices.
  • Conduct cutting-edge research into all aspects of HROs that advances our understanding of the factors that contribute to high reliability and identify best practices to support organisational transformation, and leader development.

A significant component of our work is the conduct of HRO diagnostic assessments.  These assessments provide organisations with a detailed, evidence based, summary of organisational strengths and improvement opportunities. Each assessment comes with recommendations on how organisational reliability can be enhanced. LHRC team members have provided HRO diagnostic assessment advice to multiple companies.

Our research also encompasses:

  • Identification of the most effective ways to lead for organisational reliability.
  • Development of robust organisational improvement plans.
  • Measuring organisational improvement.
  • Devising tailored approaches to improving organisational delivery on environmental, sustainability, risk, safety and health, and cybersecurity goals.

The Centre coordinates from across the University, bringing expertise from the Sustainable Minerals Institute’s Leadership and Organisational Improvement Program, the Minerals Industry Safety and Health Centre, and the Centre for Water in the Minerals Industry; the School of Psychology’s Social Identity and Groups Network (SIGN); and the Andrew N. Liveris Academy for Innovation and Leadership.

Centre Director

Susan Johnston
View Susan Johnston's profile

Steering Committee

Professor Alex Haslam
School of Psychology,
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
View Alex Haslam's profile

Professor Tim Kastelle
Professor and Centre Director,
Andrew N. Liveris Academy for Innovation and Leadership
View Tim Kastelle's profile

Professor Jolanda Jetten
Head of School, School of Psychology
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
View Jolanda Jetten's profile

Professor Claire Côte
Centre for Water in the Minerals Industry
Sustainable Minerals Institute
View Claire Côte's profile

Professor Maureen Hassall
Minerals Industry Safety and Health Centre
Sustainable Minerals Institute
View Maureen Hassall's profile

This list is continually updating.


Howe, L., Johnston, S., Côte, C (2023). ‘Mining-related environmental disasters: A High Reliability Organisation (HRO) perspective.’ Journal of Cleaner Production, 417: doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.137965.

S. Alexander Haslam, Jolanda Jetten, Mazlan Maskor, Blake McMillan, Sarah V. Bentley, Niklas K. Steffens, Susan Johnston, (2022).
'Developing high-reliability organisations: A social identity model.' Safety Science, Volume 153: doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2022.105814.


`Diagnostic baseline assessments and the journey towards HRO’, Susan Johnston, Queensland Mining Industry Health and Safety Conference, 2023 [can be accessed via conference website].

Howe, L. 2023. 'Exploring the holistic life-cycle of a mine'. Life of Mine Conference. Brisbane, Australia. Proceedings published by: AusIMM. Download the presentation (PPTX, 2.6 MB).

Knox, S. (2023). High-Reliability Followership in Elite Military Teams. [Seminar presentation]. Social Identity and Groups Network, The University of Queensland.


Contact us

Get in touch to learn more about our research.

Susan Johnston

Director, Leading for High Reliability Centre

+61 448 114 818