The Human Aspects of Mining Automation

The introduction of automation has considerable potential to reduce safety and health risks in mining by removing people from hazardous situations. However, automation does not remove people from the system entirely, it just changes the tasks they undertake.

Human Aspects of Mining Automation aims to provide the industry with evidence-based guidance that will assist them in achieving the step-change in safety and health, and increase in productivity which automation promises. In order to achieve this the project will look at research questions across multiple areas, including: 

  • Mining automation human-systems integration
  • Selection, training & competency assessment
  • Deployment
  • Risk management

Program Leader

Professor Robin Burgess-Limerick

Program Team

Associate Professor Carmel Bofinger
Dr Danellie Lynas
Dr Jill Harris
Dr Sara Pazell
Gern Logrosa (PhD Student)
Philippa Dodshon (PhD Student)

Program Keywords

Human-centred design, safety, health, risk, simulation, training, automation

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