Community-Smart Consultation & Consent project
CSRM is one of four partners on a $10 million project to improve the governance of natural resources.
The Community-Smart Consultation & Consent Project (CSCC) runs for 5 years funded by the BHP Foundation and implemented by Landesa in partnership with CSRM, RESOLVE, and Conservation International.
Growing demands on natural resources result in the intensifying demand for access to land in many remote and vulnerable regions across the globe, these include minerals, water, land, and renewable energy.
While some countries and companies require consultation and consent before accessing these natural resources, there is too often an ‘implementation gap’ between agreed standards of practice and performance on the ground.
The CSCC Project features several inter-related objectives to close the implementation gap around community consultation and consent in natural resource governance at a systemic level.
New tools and resources will undergo field testing through strategic pilots in different locations and sectors, and the Project will support and amplify approaches that are already working.
Research will also be undertaken to strengthen market and policy incentives to enhance demand for good practice in consultation and consent.
UQ committed funding for a further scholarship and two top-ups. One identified for an Indigenous Australian.