Energy Transition and Integration Group

To undertake the climate change challenge, mining companies have committed to net-zero emissions targets and are exploring options to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across the mining value chain.

The Energy Transition and Integration (ET&I) group aims to accelerate transformational changes in how the mining industry meets these net-zero targets, obtains and consumes energy, and integrates activities across the mining value chain business cycle. 

The Program focuses on leveraging the Sustainable Minerals Institute’s existing mining and processing operational knowledge to identify strategic energy and cross-disciplinary initiatives for improved and sustainable operational, environmental, and social performance.

  • Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions analysis
  • Energy management and transformation
  • Technology adaption and adoption
  • Process integration


This research aims to:

  • enable transformational change in the mining industry to meet net-zero emissions targets efficiently.
  • integrate sustainability across all aspects of the mining value chain business cycle.


We have 4 main objectives. These are to:

  • Perform comprehensive analyses of emissions and energy use to identify areas for improvement and track progress towards net-zero goals.
  • Identify and apply innovative methodologies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across the mining value chain.
  • Create initiatives that combine knowledge from various disciplines to enhance environmental performance in mining and processing operations.
  • Facilitate the sharing of insights, strategies, and best practices within the industry to support widespread adoption of sustainable practices and technologies.


  • Prioritise the research and development that can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiency in mining operations.
  • Ensure that sustainability considerations are integrated into all aspects of the mining value chain, from exploration and extraction to processing and transportation.
  • Foster collaboration with other industry players, governments, and academic institutions to share knowledge, resources, and best practices.

Key researchers

Dr Kristy Nell
Research Fellow
View Kristy Nell's researcher profile

Dr Samar Amari
Research Fellow
View Samar Amari's profile

Dr Hafiz Ilyas
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
View Hafiz Ilyas's profile

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management Tool

The Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management Tool is designed to support the mining industry to improve its carbon footprint and energy consumption strategy and enabling decarbonisation in the industry.

See more on the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management Tool

Carbon footprint assessment of operations

A core focus within the ET&I program is conducting comprehensive carbon footprint assessments for the mining industry. Leveraging the expertise within the group, greenhouse gas emissions throughout the mining lifecycle can be meticulously quantified and analysed for scope 1, scope 2 and scope 3 emissions.

See more on the Carbon footprint assessment of operations

Critical minerals modelling: Mining vs recycling

This modelling technique encompasses enables industry to gain strategic insights into critical minerals, facilitating informed decisions on exploration, extraction, and market positioning.

See more on critical minerals modelling

Net-effect of operational activities

Through meticulous data collection, analysis, and lifecycle assessment, we can provide a comprehensive overview of a mining operation's environmental impact. By considering factors such as emissions, energy consumption, waste generation, and ecosystem impact, we help mining industries achieve a holistic understanding of their operations' sustainability.

See more on net-effect analyses and assessments

Renewable energy feasibility studies

With a keen focus on sustainable energy integration, the ET&I Group assess the viability of renewable sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower for powering mining operations. the Group's interdisciplinary approach combines technical, economic, and environmental factors to determine the most suitable renewable energy solutions.

See more on renewable energy feasibility studies