• Operational, Regional and National Benefits from Implementing the Water Accounting Framework in the Bowen Basin Mining Region

    Operational, Regional and National Benefits from Implementing the Water Accounting Framework in the Bowen Basin Mining Region

    11 August 2020 9:00am10:00am
    When CWiMI was created in 2005, companies were under increasing pressure to disclose their environmental, economic and social impacts in corporate reports. CWiMI was asked to assist with achieving consistency in water reporting and in collaboration with the Minerals Council of Australia, developed the mining industry's Water Accounting Framework, which has now been adopted as international guideline. In this webinar, Asso Prof Claire Côte reflects on its benefits.
  • Participatory processes, mine closure and social transitions

    4 August 2020 9:00am10:00am
    Sarah Mackenzie presents results from a research project entitled Participatory processes, mine closure and social transitions carried out under the Social Aspects of Mine Closure Research Consortium at UQ. The objective was to understand the potential participatory mechanisms to achieve a socially just transition and a positive social legacy.
  • Mine Site Environmental Management

    Mine Site Environmental Management

    19 June 2020 9:00am10:00am
    This seminar will highlight awareness of environmental commitments in all mining-related work or projects.
  • Cultural heritage management in the resource sector: establishing good practice approaches

    Cultural heritage management in the resource sector: establishing good practice approaches

    9 June 2020 12:30pm1:30pm
    Dr Sarah Holcombe will discuss what cultural heritage is, and the ways in which methods for defining a cultural ‘site’ often determine the types of protections that are afforded.What constitutes a good practice cultural heritage management plan (CHMP), and CHM system, will also be outlined.
  • Professor Anna Littleboy

    Webinar: A Cooperative Research Centre for Transformations in Mining Economies: So what?

    3 April 2020 9:00am10:00am
    In March 2020 the Federal Government announced a new $130 million Cooperative Research Centre on Transformations in Mining Economies (CRC TiME). The University of Queensland, through the Sustainable Minerals Institute, led the development of this cooperative research centre in partnership with The University of Western Australia.
    This presentation will outline: the basic components of CRC TiME; the game changing value proposition which positions the mining industry as an agent of regional development; and the unique partnership that has drawn in mining companies, technology and service suppliers, state and local governments and groups representative of regional and community interests.


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