Daniel Brooks

Understanding the margins - Application of energy at the EHM Concentrator

17 May 2019 9:00am10:00am
Utilisation of a processing asset extends beyond the number of hours it runs for. When mines start to approach the end of their life, significant redundant capacity opens up in the mines processing assets. Is this capacity really redundant or can we re-think our approach to keep them delivering value at the design rate?
Professor Rick Valenta

Complex Orebodies - the story so far

10 May 2019 9:00am10:00am
The Complex Orebodies program has now been going for 15 months. The program has the aim of identifying the challenges and solutions related to responsible unlocking of Complex Orebodies - orebodies which are currently inaccessible due to complexities across the range of Social, Environmental, Governance and Technical areas. This presentation will provide an update on the overall program, its performance against the original objectives, and future plans.
Professor Malcolm Powell

Applying Integrated Process Knowledge to viable recovery of complex orebodies

3 May 2019 9:00am10:00am
The seminar is linked to the risk factors preventing the utilisation of 75% of the world's large known copper resources.  A picture will be painted of how being able to link the processing route to the knowledge of primary rock properties can enable modelling, and therefore risk reduction and potential acceptance by the industry, of dramatically different approaches to the mining process.  Linking technical understanding to mapping routes that can dramatically change social benefit, environmental impact, water and energy usage, tailing and waste management, and long-term society benefit from mineral resources.
James Vaughan

Processing Iron Oxide Copper Gold Uranium Ore

12 April 2019 9:00am10:00am
Iron oxide copper gold uranium ore is an important source of metal for Australia. Processing of IOCG-U ore is complex due to sequential separations resulting in multiple products and the need to carefully consider the deportment of radioactive elements. ‘For the process to be effective, geologists mineral processors pyro and hydro-metallurgists must work together.’

Pyrite types and their effect on flotation electrochemistry

5 April 2019 9:00am10:00am
Pyrite is one of the most important minerals in the beneficiation of gold, platinum group metals, and base metals such as copper. However, “pyrite, is not pyrite, is not pyrite”. Many types of pyrite exist, with a high level of variability between them. Identifying different pyrite types within ores and understanding their properties has enormous benefits towards improving the flotation process.
Dr Chris Greet

The parable of the blind man and the elephant!

29 March 2019 9:00am10:00am
The objective of this seminar is to impart how the composition of the grinding media can influence particle hydrophobicity and the flotation response, and secondly explore how measurement of pulp chemical parameters can be used to improve flotation outcomes.

Mining mobile families: digital media, non-resident work and family relationships

27 March 2019 10:00am
This presentation critically discusses ideas of belonging through ‘doing family’ and creating a sense of ‘family-hood’ across time and distance through material and digital practices.

Brett Garland

Safety: What drives change and innovation

22 March 2019 9:00am10:00am
Do not wait for a disaster to improve the controls to prevent it.
Dr Roger Higgins

Planning for Positive Post-Mine Legacies

15 March 2019 9:00am10:00am
The best examples of mine planning and closure work are transforming the notion of ‘the-life-of-the-mine”, so that closure is not simply the end of the mine, but a point in time in a much larger process of community development, environmental health, and economic transformation.

International Women's Day morning tea

8 March 2019 10:30am11:15am
International Women's Day morning tea | 8 March 2019 from 10.30–11.15am | Experimental Mine Site, Indooroopilly, Deck | All welcome - please register
Neil McIntyre

Mining and regional water security: Linking site operations to regional water problems and solutions

8 March 2019 9:00am10:00am
Parts of the mining sector are quickly recognising the risks and opportunities associated with their role in regional water systems, and are endeavouring to be better “water stewards”. Advances in unit process technology and efficient on-site operations underpin this effort, but increasing attention is being directed at the wider outside-the-fence and beyond-closure challenges. This seminar presents three diverse examples of research supporting the sector’s endeavours.

To Market, to market: How do responsible minerals standards affect trade and sustainable development?

6 March 2019 2:00pm
Electronics, jewellery, automotive and other industries increasingly require ‘responsible sourcing’ of critical raw materials, using voluntary sustainability standards (VSS) to certify ethical mining. This shift is likely to change global value chains for a range of minerals and metals, such as bauxite, coal, cobalt, copper and tin.

Exploring Education, Research and Training Opportunities for Christmas Island

6 March 2019 10:00am
Phosphate Resources Limited (PRL) has commissioned C Change Sustainable Solutions Pty Ltd (C Change) to complete investigations into the potential for Christmas Island to capitalise on education, research and development opportunities.
This seminar will be primarily about identifying potential collaboration opportunities and providing C Change with an understanding of underlying factors that would need to be in place in order to progress the initiatives.

Comminution Energy Efficiency – Three horizons of technological innovation

1 March 2019 9:00am10:00am
On his final day before transition to the world of engineering consultants, Grant will present a keynote he recently gave in Brazil. This presentation represents the culmination of his research over the years at the JKMRC from the Comminution Energy Curves, through various case studies and the integration of comminution, classification and flotation.

Public Lecture: Automation and the World of Work

21 February 2019 9:45am11:00am
Public lecture on how automation will change the nature of many different types of jobs and the impact it will have on society
Social Media Workshop

Using social media to boost your research

14 February 2019 10:00am11:30am
Build you research profile, reach a wider audience, build professional networks and connect with future collaborators.
Tony Hodge reflects on his three month visiting professorship at UQ's Sustainable Minerals Institute

Three Months of Adventure at SMI - Dr Anthony Hodge

6 December 2018 10:00am11:00am
Tony will review his three months at SMI as a Visiting Professorial Fellow
The Complex Orebodies conference 2018

The Complex Orebodies conference 2018

19 November 2018 9:00am21 November 2018 5:00pm
The Complex Orebodies conference aims to attract a wide range of contributors willing to share their experiences and insights into this crucial issue.
Dr Matt (Mitesh) Chauhan - How to market yourself into industry

How to market yourself into industry

16 November 2018 9:00am10:00am
Matt Chauhan is a consultant in the Resources, Engineering and Construction division, for Robert Walters in Brisbane. Matt holds a PhD in Mining Engineering and has over two years’ experience in engineering recruitment in Queensland.
 2018 UQ Mining and Resources Forum

UQ Mining and Resources Forum

15 November 2018 8:30am1:30pm
The 2018 UQ Mining and Resources Forum, hosted by the Sustainable Minerals Institute and the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology aims to connect the key complementary research capacity within UQ to improve communication and coordination across the University.
Dr R. Anthony (Tony) Hodge Visiting Professorial Fellow / Sustainable Minerals Institute

Seven Years with Mining’s Tough CEO’s – Lessons and Insights

9 November 2018 9:00am10:00am
Dr Anthony Hodge is a Visiting Professorial Fellow. From 2008 – 2015 he served as President of the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM), a collaborative of many of the largest mining companies in the world. In this presentation, Dr Hodge will review his 7 years as head of an organisation dedicated to bringing positive change to the mining industry.
Re-understanding safety science and a new accident causation model: The 2-4 Model

Re-understanding safety science and a new accident causation model: The 2-4 Model

8 November 2018 10:00am11:00am
Safety science is a science of preventing accidents which cause human injuries and ill health, property loss and environmental damage. There is an urgent need to develop one set of uniform prevention strategies to prevent accidents and improve the efficiency and effects of prevention .
Special seminar: Mining with Principles by ICMM CEO

Special seminar: Mining with Principles by ICMM CEO

2 November 2018 10:00am11:30am
The International Council of Mining and Metals (ICMM) is an international organisation dedicated to a safe, fair and sustainable mining and metals industry. Tom Butler, the CEO and Aidan Davy, Chief Operating Officer of ICMM will present recent work exploring performance expectations on the industry.
Postgraduate Opportunities with UQ: Business, Economics, Law, Engineering, Architecture, Computing, Humanities and Social Sciences:  Event

Postgraduate Opportunities with UQ: Business, Economics, Law, Engineering, Architecture, Computing, Humanities and Social Sciences: Event

1 November 2018 5:30pm7:30pm
Propel your career with a postgraduate offering at UQ. Network and chat with our teams from Business, Economics, Law, Engineering, Architecture, Computing, Humanities and Social Sciences to find the right fit for you and your career goals. Complimentary refreshments will be available.
