Advanced Process Prediction and Control Group (APPCo)

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in mineral processing

1 November 2019 9:00am10:00am
Over the last decade there has been a strong move toward implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and in particular Machine Learning (ML) to improve the productivity of mining operations, enhance environmental and social performance and increase the health and safety of personnel. The mining industry is at the technological stage that we can develop a fully autonomous underground mine, integrate operational data for near-real-time decision making, promote the safety of people and control energy and water utilisation.

Iron Ore – Supply Chain and Minerals Processing

25 October 2019 9:00am10:00am
A brief overview of the iron ore market will be provided during this seminar, focusing on its nuances and the supply chain from pit to port in order to explain the driving factors behind the processing technology used for upgrading of low grade iron ore and magnetite iron ore to saleable products with the aim to identify areas for future improvement opportunities.

UQ Giving Day

23 October 2019 12:00am12:00pm
One simple gesture can make a world of change for the next generation. Join us for our first ever UQ Giving Day on Wednesday 23 October 2019.
Anthony O'Sullivan

Seafloor Polymetallic Nodules – A clean solution to the Battery Metal Supply Gap

18 October 2019 9:00am10:00am
Every year, we extract 9 billion tonnes of metal ores and in the process, we create a 350billion tonne waste problem, destroy tropical habitats and carbon sinks, releasing toxic substances into the environment and emissions into the atmosphere. While metals do not have renewable substitutes, they can be recovered and recycled – that’s the good news. The bad news is, we currently do not have enough metal in the system to close the loop and we will need to inject a lot of virgin metal to provide for an additional 3 billion people this century.

PhD Information Session - Production Centres

16 October 2019 12:15pm1:00pm
The Sustainable Minerals Institute’s Production Centres, the W.H. Bryan Mining & Geology Research Centre (BRC) and Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC), have exciting PhD opportunities for engineering, science and geology students.
Dr Kurt Aasly

Process mineralogy of non-metallic mineral deposits

4 October 2019 9:00am10:00am
Process mineralogy is typically related to detailed examinations of metallic ores and the relationship between mineralogical properties and mineral processing. However, process mineralogical techniques are widely used within other mineral sectors as well, such as on industrial minerals, although the main objectives of such investigations can be different.
Dr Marko Hilden

Energy efficiency and size energy relationships - revisiting Hukki’s curve

27 September 2019 9:00am10:00am
Trying to improve energy efficiency and modelling the energy of size reduction is one of the most important problems we face in comminution research. But regrettably, even the very definition of “energy efficiency” is elusive. The development of better grinding devices and circuits that use less of the world’s limited energy resources requires a clearer understanding of the relationship between energy and particle size.
Craig Vadeikis

The changing face of the mineral sands industry - Rare Earths

20 September 2019 9:00am10:00am
The Global Mineral Sands industry is predominantly focused on the production of titanium and zirconium bearing minerals such as ilmenite, rutile and zircon. However, in recent years there has been a shift in the attention of both explorers and producers to consider the minor rare earth bearing minerals of monazite and xenotime.
Pia Lois-Morales

Development of a methodology to relate primary breakage properties to its mineralogical & textural characteristics

13 September 2019 9:00am10:00am
Increasing complexity of ore deposits requires better prediction of comminution properties.
Matt Pyle

Improving Economic and Environmental Value through Enhanced Process Technologies

6 September 2019 9:00am10:00am
‘Enhanced Process Technologies’ (EPT’s) can provide genuine step change improvements to greenfield and brownfield projects. This presentation discusses EPTs, barriers to adoption and how to navigate those barriers in order to improve economic and environmental outcomes.
Martin Harris

The flow of Dry Water: A Gauge Theory of Froth Flotation

30 August 2019 9:00am10:00am
The seminar will provide a guided tour through a completely novel theory that can be used to generate a closed analytical solution to the physics of froth flotation, in a manner that is completely fundamental, yet robust and simple to use.
Amelia Hine

Powers of Ten - Shifting scales of space and time for new perspectives in landscape change

23 August 2019 9:00am10:00am
This talk will begin with two keys premises: that landscape change is an intrinsic part of mining and industrial development; and that novel ways of understanding landscapes can open up new possibilities for their future.
Steven Micklethwaite

Drones, AI and the cloud - the new possible

16 August 2019 9:00am10:00am
This presentation focuses on research developments at Monash University where drones have been combined with high performance compute and computer vision techniques, in order to remotely sense or sample our planet.

The Language of Safety

9 August 2019 9:00am10:00am
When considering safety, especially in operating mines, the reporting of incidents and the language used to describe them really matters. Natural Language Processing can now be used to classify and detect new classifications of incidents and detect previously unseen combinations of hazards and behaviours, allowing for the development of meaningful and targeted safety intervention programs.
QUEX Workshops

QUEX Workshops

26 July 2019 10:00am3:30pm
Minerals in a Sustainable World - workshop sessions day 2 of QUEX Symposium
Emeritus Professor Ken Collerson

Cobalt and HREE Minerals Systems in the Eastern Mount Isa Block

26 July 2019 9:00am10:00am
A study of Co-rich samples from the Eastern Mount Isa Block was undertaken to constrain the IOCG mineral system and evaluate HREE prospectivity. Although these deposits are interpreted to have had a granitic source, the element association includes metals not normally concentrated in silicic melts e.g., Co, Ni, Sc and PGE's.
2019 QUEX Symposium

2019 QUEX Symposium

25 July 2019 9:00am5:00pm
The University of Queensland and the University of Exeter will host the Inaugural QUEX International Symposium: Fostering Global Sustainability and Wellbeing on Thursday 25 and Friday 26 July 2019.
Next Generation Resources, Student Conference

Next Generation Resources, Student Conference

24 July 2019 8:30am5:30pm
The aim of the conference is to provide students with the opportunity to hone their presentation skills and interact with industry professionals.
UQ Minerals Week 22- 26 July

UQ Mining and Resources Forum

23 July 2019 9:00am1:00pm
The UQ Mining and Resources Forum aims to connect researchers working across all aspects of the industry to share ideas and develop collaboration and research projects.
Welcome afternoon tea

Welcome afternoon tea

22 July 2019 3:00pm4:00pm
Join us for afternoon tea to kick off the week's activities. For those of you arriving from overseas it's a good way to get your bearings

SMI 3MT 2019

5 July 2019 10:00am11:30am
The 3MT is an academic competition that challenges PhD students to describe their research within three minutes to a general audience. 3MT celebrates the discoveries made by research students and encourages you to communicate the importance of your research to the broader community.
Pete Forakis

Project Derisking through metallurgical testing

14 June 2019 9:00am10:00am
Metallurgical testing is critical to a minerals project development. There are some key questions that need to be answered at each stage of a project from Scoping, to Prefeasibility and to Detailed feasibility and a key component is the process parameters evaluated during metallurgical testing.
Farhad Faramarzi

The Extended Drop Weight Testing Approach – What it reveals

7 June 2019 9:00am10:00am
For decades the minerals industry has been challenged by inherent variability of ore deposits. Quantifying this characteristic of orebodies and estimating its impact on the process performance is becoming increasingly important because the mining industry needs to extract resources with lower grades and more complexities.
Dr Kieren Moffat

A data driven approach to social license

31 May 2019 9:00am10:00am
A decade of research on the nature of relationships between communities and the mining companies that work alongside them, has demonstrated that community acceptance, or social licence, depends on deeper trust in their relationships
Trevor Hadley

Real-time process improvement through advanced instrumentation and control strategies

24 May 2019 9:00am10:00am
With the decline of in-house expertise, in both the research organisations and end users of technology, Clarity bridges the implementation gap of new technologies and industry solutions.
