• Dr Kurt Aasly

    Process mineralogy of non-metallic mineral deposits

    4 October 2019 9:00am10:00am
    Process mineralogy is typically related to detailed examinations of metallic ores and the relationship between mineralogical properties and mineral processing. However, process mineralogical techniques are widely used within other mineral sectors as well, such as on industrial minerals, although the main objectives of such investigations can be different.
  • Dr Marko Hilden

    Energy efficiency and size energy relationships - revisiting Hukki’s curve

    27 September 2019 9:00am10:00am
    Trying to improve energy efficiency and modelling the energy of size reduction is one of the most important problems we face in comminution research. But regrettably, even the very definition of “energy efficiency” is elusive. The development of better grinding devices and circuits that use less of the world’s limited energy resources requires a clearer understanding of the relationship between energy and particle size.
  • Craig Vadeikis

    The changing face of the mineral sands industry - Rare Earths

    20 September 2019 9:00am10:00am
    The Global Mineral Sands industry is predominantly focused on the production of titanium and zirconium bearing minerals such as ilmenite, rutile and zircon. However, in recent years there has been a shift in the attention of both explorers and producers to consider the minor rare earth bearing minerals of monazite and xenotime.
  • Pia Lois-Morales

    Development of a methodology to relate primary breakage properties to its mineralogical & textural characteristics

    13 September 2019 9:00am10:00am
    Increasing complexity of ore deposits requires better prediction of comminution properties.


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