
Managing Risk in 2050 – Imagining the things we won’t be able to live without

2 February 2021 9:00am10:00am
This webinar will frame some of the challenges we face in managing risk today and explore how advances in technology could change the way we work in the future.
Anglo American’s Mine Closure Toolbox (version 3): A Journey of Integration

Anglo American’s Mine Closure Toolbox (version 3): A Journey of Integration

20 November 2020 9:00am10:00am
Integration across the many disciplines that have a role to play in mine closure, particularly Life of Mine planners, is critical to realise value through leading practice closure planning and execution.
Aligning technical disciplines into a strategic mine plan

Aligning technical disciplines into a strategic mine plan

13 November 2020 9:00am10:00am
Strategic mine planning is essential to maximise the value of the mineral resource and consider the long-term sustainability of the environment and community where we operate. This presentation will focus on the working relationships and integration between technical disciplines, to manage a broad range of mining related risks. Through examples of strategic mine planning, the presenters will highlight the coordination and deliberate connection between multiple technical themes and disciplines, focusing on the core technical activities and inputs, which align to essential business process and, incorporate external sustainability drivers.
Hexagon Mine Monitoring

Hexagon Mine Monitoring

6 November 2020 9:00am10:00am
This presentation will cover three aspects: 1) Who is Hexagon and what is their role in mining; 2) Hexagon mine monitoring and how they change how mining operations work; 3) Thoughts on technology direction in mining, and some consideration for current HDR students in developing rewarding careers.

The role of the mining industry in Chile and its immediate and middle-term outlook

27 October 2020 9:00am10:00am
When looking at the future in Chile, we see that relevant drivers for the mining industry fall into the category of increased uncertainty and decreased control. These drivers include, but are not limited to professional education, sustainable innovation, and attraction of foreign investment. This webinar will focus on how the rules of the mining game are rapidly changing and which opportunities arise for the Sustainable Minerals Institute as a consequence of those changes.
JKMRC: History, The Past, and The Future

50 Years of the JKMRC

23 October 2020 9:00am10:00am
Neville Plint will interview current and former staff members to revisit JKMRC’s history, to look at where we are now, and look forward to how the centre might look in another 50 years.

Flooding of abandoned tailings dumps – how to assess the risks?

20 October 2020 9:00am10:00am
Abandoned and inactive tailings storage facilities (TSFs) can pose environmental and health risks through failure or gradual release of contaminants into the atmosphere and/or water courses. This presentation will outline risk-based prioritisation options, describe the context in Chile, and then describe a study into using simplified flood models to prioritise TSFs in terms of their exposure to extreme floods.
Quebradona treasures – a novel greenfields flash flotation test and development of geometallurgical relationships

Quebradona treasures – a novel greenfields flash flotation test and development of geometallurgical relationships

16 October 2020 9:00am10:00am
Current flash flotation test techniques are targeted at operating plants. A laboratory batch test technique for greenfields operations was developed and will be described. Finding geometallurgical relationships to proxy data is often difficult and relationships mediocre. A slightly unusual method was followed to select samples for geomet testing and may have helped in developing exceptionally strong predictive relationships for almost all metallurgical parameters.
Safety - A Business Imperative

Safety - A Business Imperative

13 October 2020 2:00pm3:00pm
The safety expectations by individuals, society-at-large as well as companies has matured over time, and what was acceptable in the past is no longer acceptable and will evolve further in future. In this webinar Dr Kobus de Jager will examine actions taken to improve safety in six south African mines over a 10 year period, and looks at how the approach could be adopted by other companies

Converting Hydrogen to Humans: An astrophysicist's guide to the world's energy & resources crisis

9 October 2020 9:00am10:00am
It took the Universe over 10 billion years to create the resources that we, the Earth and the Sun are made of. How did it do that? Are they enough to sustain 10 billion people? And for how long? And at what cost? This seminar takes a hard look at these questions from a wide range of perspectives; starting at the beginning of the Universe, zooming in through global, urban and island ecosystems, and ending up right here and now in Queensland.

High Temperature Processing of Deep Sea Polymetallic Nodules

6 October 2020 9:00am10:00am
The manganese and iron concretions on the sea bottom formed of concentric layers around a core, are known as manganese nodules or polymetallic nodules and are of interest in deep-ocean mining operations. In this webinar Dr Xiaodong Ma introduces his team's research into high-temperature processing of polymetallic nodules to recover valuable metals.
Dr Renjie Zhou

Rise of the NW Himalaya

2 October 2020 9:00am10:00am
The Himalaya-Tibetan Plateau is the type example of continent-continent collision systems. Suturing of Indian and Eurasian continents and the subsequent rise of Himalaya-Tibetan Plateau have exerted an impact on climate, ocean circulation, biological processes, and resource accumulation. This talk will bring the audience to the Ladakh region in NW India where the suture zone and southern Eurasian Plate are exhumed to the surface.
Book presentation – Local Experiences of Mining in Peru

Book presentation – Local Experiences of Mining in Peru

29 September 2020 9:00am10:00am
Dr Gerardo Castillo Guzmán and an expert panel will discuss his recently published book, Local Experiences of Mining in Peru: Social and Spatial Transformations in the Andes. The book draws extensively on field research undertaken by Gerardo in the area of Rio Tinto’s La Granja exploration copper project in the northern Peruvian Andes.
Professor Dave Craw

Prediction and mitigation of environmental issues at gold mines in southern New Zealand: Successes and lessons

25 September 2020 9:00am10:00am
Accurate prediction of environmental issues from pre-emptive rock studies is the aim. Successes are heart-warming, but the lessons (best not to call them failures) can be most instructive, and this webinar will cover both. Southern NZ has 150 year history of gold mining, both placer and hard-rock. The biggest issue for placer mining has always been downstream suspended sediments. This issue is affected by geology and is partly predictable and manageable, but subtle features can lead to large negative effects.
Addressing water and tailings management in a changing world: an integrated approach applied to the Chilean context

Addressing water and tailings management in a changing world: an integrated approach applied to the Chilean context

22 September 2020 9:00am10:00am
The world is experiencing rapidly evolving social and environmental changes that are impacting many areas of mine operation management and contributing to an uncertain future for the industry. This is particularly the case for water resources and tailings management. In this webinar Dr Doug Aitken outlines work undertaken in Chile to develop a roadmap to greater sustainability and resilience.
Martin Politick

Open-Autonomy: Breaking the closed stack

18 September 2020 9:00am10:00am
An Interoperable technology stack promotes innovation and provides choice to select better suited technology for your mine.
Uranium is sediment and its significance from the life of mining at Ranger Mine, Northern Territory

Uranium in sediment and its significance from the life of mining at Ranger Mine, Northern Territory

15 September 2020 9:00am10:00am
Dr Barry Noller outlines research as part of the rehabilitation of the Ranger Uranium Mine, which saw the development of water quality guideline values (WQGV) for uranium and other metals in local waterbodies to protect aquatic organisms from the effects of metal toxicity.
Paul Linton

Hyperspectral Core Imaging – Geometallurgical Applications

11 September 2020 9:00am10:00am
This webinar will elaborate on how to relate different analytical and data types to solve pressing issues facing the mining industry.
Mining, social performance, and elements of a strategic review

Mining, social performance, and elements of a strategic review

8 September 2020 9:00am10:00am
The last decade has seen intensifying pressure on the mining industry to demonstrate its contribution to development. In this seminar Dr Anthony Kung presents research on how companies can organise for effective social performance. The research design comprises 11 elements that together constitute a strategic review of a company's social performance function.
Dr Gavin Mudd

It's Still About the Environment: Some Great Ideas for Sustainable Mining

4 September 2020 9:00am10:00am
There is increasing debate about the ‘circular economy’ and the role that mining could play in such a scenario, especially linked to the world’s efforts such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As always, when it comes to mining and its current status and future prospects, it’s still, and will always be about the physical and social environment.

Undercover Western Warramunga Province: The Rover Field revealed

1 September 2020 9:00am10:00am
Assoc Prof Paul Gow discusses four new publications (DIP023-026) recently released in the Warramunga Province mineral deposit series focussing on the Rover field to the southwest of Tennant Creek, NT.
Paul Lucey

The emerging importance of living labs in research

28 August 2020 9:00am10:00am
Taking research out of the lab and into a live environment is always an extensive learning process yet, what if your lab is a live environment? Community based living labs are not new although only starting to emerge in Australia now with some importance. What if Australia had region based living lab that encompasses the traditional community aspects but also the surrounding industry and support business?
Shaping the Sustainable Future of Mining

Shaping the Sustainable Future of Mining

21 August 2020 9:00am10:00am
This webinar will present how mining companies can prepare for, and accelerate, the industry transformation to a more sustainable future.
Reclaiming the neglected minerals of development

Reclaiming the neglected minerals of development

18 August 2020 9:00am10:00am
In this webinar Prof Daniel Franks introduces the concept of Development Minerals, i.e. minerals and materials that are mined, processed, manufactured and used domestically in industries such as construction, manufacturing, infrastructure and agriculture, and interrogates the relationship between minerals, development, livelihoods and poverty reduction.
