Ngadju people protecting their land and culture – seminar

3 May 2023 10:30am12:00pm
Public seminar and Q&A session with representatives from the Ngadju Conservation Aboriginal Corporation.

Future risks in mining and exploration

27 April 2023 2:30pm5:00pm
Highlighting the key exploration risks and opportunities for 2023 and beyond.

Women leading exploration 2

30 March 2023 2:30pm5:00pm
Hear from ground-breaking female leaders in mining and exploration as they share their stories, experiences and challenges for the future.

Seminar: Lessons of the Brumadinho Tailings Dam Disaster

22 March 2023 10:30am11:30am
This presentation by Emeritus Professor Andrew Hopkins concerns the organisational causes for the Brumadinho disaster

Geochronology in Mineral Discovery

23 February 2023 2:30pm5:00pm
This webinar will discuss how Queensland rocks are related and what geological events they may have been a part of.

SMI Memorial Awards Ceremony

15 November 2022 9:30am5:00pm
Join us for the SMI Memorial Awards Ceremony, which will include the presentation of the Ian Morley Prize, the Bill Whiten Memorial Prize and the Dee Bradshaw Travel Scholarship.
